
LifeTime Supporter
Jun 11, 2007
Springfield IL
I just converted to Bromine? But I am having an issue.

The Dupont shock/oxidizer = Potassium peroxmonosulfate. Is this the stuff I need? Taylor testing seems to have some issues with it.

Also, can I use a Taylor K-2006C to test and if so, do I test the same as I would for free chlorine? Thanks for all the help.
For bromine you would need a taylor K-2106. The tritrant is different. The K-2006 would not give you accurate readings. You can also just use an OTO test since in bromine you are only concerend about total bromine.

MPS interferers with ALL forms of chlorine and bromine testing. You can use chlorine for shocking your bromine tub. The chlorine is convertedto chloride and the bromide is converted to active bromine sanitizer. Just remember to add your sodium bromide on each fill of the tub to create your bromide reserve in the water. 1/2 oz per 100 gallons is the usual dose.
Taylor Kit

Hey Waterbear: Thanks for always responding so quickly. I should have reposted but I got busy yesterday.

But, I did call Taylor Tech support late yesterday afternoon. I was told I can use the K-2006 kit and test for bromine the same way as I do for chlorine and multiply the result by 2.25 to obtain the bromine PPM. I will do some playing around with it and see how accurate that is.

Thanks again.
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