Repulsive Or Just Plain RUDE???


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Apr 16, 2007
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Jandy Aquapure 1400
My hubby's friend comes over and washes his face in my pool every single time and quite frankly, it pisses me off!

The last time he had his baby with him and wanted to put him in right after a SUPER SHOCKING and I yelled NO because I just added a good bit of chlorine and then he washed his head and face in my pool after putting the boy down.

Does anyone find this as discusting as I do? Or am I being a little anal. I mean if he wanted to swim it'd all be the same but he doesn't swim in it, just bathes off the gunge...

He is washing his sweaty grimey head and face off over top of my pool every time he comes over. :shock:
That just seems YUCK to me.
MaMaG, Nice pool and deck! :) Sounds like DH's friend is maybe just really hot? It would not bother me, but I grew up w/2 brothers, have kids and grands. A head-dipping-rubbing-splashing thingie would be amoung the least of my long as he didn't take a bar of soap with him! After all, I got BBB! Take care and enjoy your new pool!

I wouldn't worry about your husbands friend. We let our dogs in the pool and what do you think they're doing all day long? :shock:

But, a little bit if stuff called Party Pool, before he comes over. It's a dye that you can get in blue, orange, green, and a few other colors. He'll come out looking like a smurf!
Maybe bump him in fully clothed next time he stoops over to wash off?
Thanks guys!

I dunno. Maybe I just have it out for him because it wouldn't bother me if it were my dad, hubby, brother or son. Maybe because they're related.

Oh well. Thanks again! :lol:
I would say something if it bothered me - its your pool, you maintain it. "hey man, get a bathtub" or something like that. People KNOW I'm anal about my pool....

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It is non toxic. There's a dosage that you're suppose to follow. A coworker added a bit too much, right before Halloween and his kids went swimming, not realizing that the pool was a little MORE blue than normal. They literally came out about the tint of blue snurfs! It took about 4-5 days to scrub them clean again.
I wish they would have taken photos!
pooladdict said:
Hey Sean:

Is that pool party stuff toxic? will it stick to your skin? I think a neighbor uses it to make his water look greenish.

How long will it stay in the water?

LOL! Greenish? You sure that isn't algae or copper? :) I think green would be the last color I'd choose in those party tints.
I am not sure what it is, but we all know we wouldnt swim in a green pool. He went away for a week, it turned the color of dark grass, we all were giggling, thinking now he is in for it, but within one day he had it back to his aqua color. I was positive it was an Algae Bloom. Not so sure now.
MamaG - Next time he's over, just casually say to him after he washes:
"Would you please STOP doing that, the last time you did it I had a heck of a time getting rid of the Algae bloom that formed."

Really though, he's probably doing that to refresh himself, I can see some people just doing that, but I'd push him in.....
My husband dunks his head under and burbbles up. It seems to be something men do. I'm not sure why. It's like it clears their head:) I too duck under, come up and wipe the water off my face. It's very refreshing. I do know what you are talking about though, but I wouldn't have until I was taking care of a pool.
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