Hole in liner...

Aug 16, 2009
I noticed the water was low and then I saw a dip at the edge of the liner and sure enough I have a leak. It is about the size of half an eraser head of a pencil. The pool stores are all closed ...what should I do? Should I try to put something over it (a piece of tape or something) until I can get a kit. I'm afraid it will get bigger. What type of repair kit do you recommend? I guess something was under the edge of the pool. Should we stay out of the pool until it is fixed?
ok...hole got bigger .Now about the size of a nickel. Got it patched...just hope it holds. I think the problem is water washing the dirt out from under the pool and some how a rock or something sharp poked a hole in the liner. How do we fix it? You can see where the dirt has washed out and left a sunken in spot. Do we just push dirt or sand back under the pool liner?

If you can force some sand back under there and use a well rounded smooth object to tamp it in a little I would do it. Don't try to completely reshape the area back to it's original shape just get some in the to support things for now.
thanks for the replies...I can't believe this has happened...but what can you do? I was wondering if you have any suggestions on a good place to buy a liner.I found a site called National Pool Wholesalers. Liners around $ 300. I don't believe in paying pool store prices for anything! any suggestions? I am going to use this one as long as it will hold water but I would like to know my options. Also, I saw something about wall coves...where you don't have to build the cove? I have wall coves but thought something like that might protect the liner? any thoughts?

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