Second Hand Pool with Algae History


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Jun 28, 2009
Off to a rough start of the pool year, but I won't bore you with details. Just today I bought a used second hand Intex frame style pool. The lady I bought it from says she used it one season, two years ago, and that in the meantime it has been stored in a garage in Nebraska - so freezing in winter and sweltering in summer. She sold us a bunch of stuff with it like solar cover, ladder, cover, pump/filter unit, pool toys, and a bunch of useless chemicals I'll never use.

The good news is all the parts were there and it seems to be holding water. The bad news is that in the course of erecting and filling the pool, it became obvious she had had algae in it. Green residue in pump tubes; random but numerous "spots," none larger than a dime, of green stuff that I could easily dislodge from the interior of the pool. No odor of mildew at all on pool, but the cover is already in the trash because smelled very musty. The solar cover does not seem to have an odor, but I haven't even had a chance to open it up all the way.

My questions are:

1. Will this algae that I assume is long dead somehow rehydrate, breed, or otherwise come alive in the pool now that there is water, or can I assume it is dead and will just filter/skim/vacuum out and that will be that? I did have a smaller pool last year (my first year) and lucked into finding this forum on day one -- as such, I've never seen or dealt with algae at all.

2. If there is a chance it will come to life, am I doomed as long as I'm using her pump hoses? I am not using her actual pump/filter unit because I had a clean one of same gph rating -- but my hoses weren't long enough so at the moment I'm using her hoses. If this is a terrible mistake, I can go get new hoses tomorrow. Or, will my normal sanitation of the water take care of it?

3. I decided to "shock" the pool to get a jump on fighting any algae that thinks it should spring back to life. So, I put in 96 ounces of 6% bleach tonight after dark, mixed it in real well as pool was still filling, and plan to pop HER solar cover on it tomorrow early morning (if solar cover looks in good shape when I unpack it) in hopes I get a clean and warm pool within a day or two. Once the FC comes back down (14 now, based on calculator) I was planning to add dichlor and then start BBB. Does it sound like I'm on the right track, or is there something special to do when starting with a second hand pool? Any one think I should definitely NOT put her solar cover on tomorrow morning? I won't have time to clean it at all -- will have to rely on high FC in water to combat any crud.

I do have a good test kit (Duraleigh's) and will post numbers tomorrow night (pool still filling), but if anyone can chime in with the info I've given, I'd appreciate it.

Only numbers I know now are:
FC = 14 (based on calculator)
CYA 0 (I've added only bleach)

Thanks, and happy swimming!
HEeey! Crek's back :)
You got the hang of this don't ya....

That's a bit high on the bleach but oh well, I understand the nervousness. I think you'll be fine - I wouldn't worry too much - the only thing that might be a problem is the solar cover. Examine it closely -if the bubbles are intact and not full of green looking crud it should be okay if it hasn't rotted out.
FPM -- Yeah, I went high on the bleach because I sort of panicked when I realized I was looking at algae on my "new" pool and because I have to sort of limp through tomorrow to the weekend before I'll even have time to get my pool contraband out of storage. Wanted to start getting the water warm, but I'm not really geared up for pool season just yet. Thanks for the quick reply, as always -- and glad you got your questions answered tonight too.

Just to confirm -- is that old algae on the floor and along a couple seams dead or does it come back to life when hydrated? I think I can keep from getting any new algae of my own (if I'm as lucky and successful as last year) but I'm still looking for confirmation that her two-year old algae won't become my problem.
Hey, Crek, How ya' doin'?

Don't fret the stain's and old residual algae. Chlorine will fix it may take a little time but it will fix it. Brush often and carry your chlorine pretty high....say 10-20% higher than maintenance level......and they'll go away

I would get some CYA in there ASAP to start saving your chlorine. I'd suggest about 40ppm up where you live.

FPM's got good thoughts about the solar cover...if it's punctured much, it's toast....don't mess with it.

Without CYA, the FC is a little too high (parroting FPM) but I believe you'll kill some off tonight while it's working on those old organics and the CYA will buffer it (the FC) so you could even go to 15-20 after you get the CYA in there.
Thanks Mom and Dave -- that gives me more peace of mind. Unfortunately, hubby just informed me he's not sure if pump connection to pool looks right so I'm off to see if we'll have any circulation in the pool tomorrow. I sure am looking forward to the pool being set up correctly, balanced, and to be back in some routine where this doesn't all seem so new and fragile. Bring on the sparkling water and a long weekend of getting used to this "new" pool so I gain some confidence the pool itself is sound. I've dumped 6500 gallons of water on my yard in the past three days (don't want to talk about it but suffice to say I prefer a frame style to the ring style of Intex) so I'm really hoping the hose connection is not as bad as my husband fears.
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