AutoPilot - Warning/Check Clean Cell Message

Jun 27, 2007
Tucson, AZ
My AutoPilot has been installed for 5 weeks and I am consistently getting a “Warning Check/Clean Cell” message every 2 to 5 days. When I clean it the message goes away. I have tried cleaning with Muriatic Acid (4 to 1) as them manual suggests. I set the reverse time to 2 which made the Warning message take about 7 days to appear instead of 2 to 3 days. I called AutoPilot and they are having a tech come out. Just wondering what I may have done wrong with the installation or the way I am operating the system. I do not want the Tech to waste his time if it is my fault. Here are my stats:

20,000 Pool
Digital PoolPilot with SC-48 Cell
Cell Power 3 (70%)
Pump runs 5am to 5pm
Outside Temp 95
Pool water temp 84

FC 3
PH 7.4
TA 130
CH 325
CYA 90
Salt 3400

How does the cell look when you take it out for cleaning? Do you see any white scale on the plates?

A bad connection on either end of the cable between the cell and the control unit could also cause that message and might be temporarily improved by unplugging and replugging the cell.
Has been a day now since I cleaned the cell (just hosed it off) and the message seems to be gone. It looks like the "Check/Clean Cell" message took about 2 to 3 hours to go away for good.

AutoPilot has a tech coming out next Tuesday (from a local pool company). He called and said he could "Calibrate the Salt".

I am going to wait and see if the message comes back, but if nothing by Monday I am thinking of cancelling the call? What do the experts think?

My AutoPilot is currently keeping the pool at a FC level of 3 and the water looks great.


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