Brand New Above Ground Pool

Apr 4, 2010
Hello, We had our pool installed on 3/29/10. 24' above ground, 52" tall, 22" sand filter with Zeolite, 1.5 HP pump. The weather was below 65 the whole time we were filling and when we finished filling it was still clear as a bell. We turned the pump on 4/2/2010 (electrician late). Water still clear. I tested the water with strips they sent with start up kit. I added the conditioner per the instructions directly into skimmer and shocked the pool and put three tabs in the skimmer basket. Let that churn for a while. Water turned cloudy. Was not alarmed. Knew that it would take the CYA a while to dissolve. Tested water and PH was low, TA was low. Yesterday put in baking soda (10 Pounds) and one box of borax. Calculator called for 13 pounds of soda and 2 boxes of borax. Let that churn a while. Tested late last night and the numbers had improved.

FC 30
PH 6.9
TA 60
CYA below ideal

I bought a HTH test kit today so I would have something until my better kit came in and I will test tonight. I ready that CYA requires warmer water to be tested so I will make sure I do that.

Does anyone have any other suggestions? :wave:
Welcome to TFP.

How did you measure FC that high with strips? Dilution?

You need to let that come down to around 15ppm with a possibly low CYA level.

Ignore your pH reading until your FC is in normal range.

Run your pump 24/7 until things look good.

I'd be leary of your CYA reading. Ideal for many pool companies is anything less than 100, so you may be fine. Low CYA is easy to deal with if you can add chlorine frequently, so take your time getting it right. High CYA is a problem.

Brush the pool daily if there is any sediment so the filter can help clear it.
Ok guys here are my current levels:

TC 5+ (this may be higher but the test kit only went to 5 it was 10 on the test strips yesterday i got that wrong earlier today)
PH 7.2
TA 110
CYA 45

I am going out to sweep it in a few.

Still cloudy though. Wondering if I should backwash my filter due to zeolite. Read that somewhere.
I will qualify this by saying that I have no personal experience with Zeolite. From what I read on their website the filter should have been backwashed immediately upon charging. Was that done? If not that may have been the reason for the cloudy water you experienced. If it wasn't backwashed I'd go ahead and do it. I'd also suggest you call Zeo (the mfg) and see what they say about it?
Hey thanks for all your help. I back washed today when I got home and rinsed. The pool is looking some better. I still don't know my exact FC or CC level but I know that FC is above 10. My PH, CYA and TA are good now so I am thinking all I have to do know is wait. It is hard though cause tonight the water temp was right at 75 and I wanted to get in so bad but my steps aren't installed yet. :?

I could actually see the bottom of the pool if only slightly. :lol:

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