Filling Pool...order of chemicals...

Mar 24, 2010
We'll be having a new liner installed as soon as the weather is warm enough. Here are my plans as to what to add as the pool fills. Any other suggestions?

(10,000 gallons, vinyl liner, bleach, sand filter, NO heater) I'm assuming it will take 2 days to fill.

We'll be using water out of our well which has a ton of iron in it. As the pool fills I'd like to add a metal sequestering agent. I'm leaning towards Jacks Magic Pink Stuff. As soon as the pool is full, I'll add poly 60 and some stabilizer (sock in skimmer) and continuously run the pump.

When would you add chlorine? I was thinking about waiting 2 or so days for the stabilizer to dissolve and for the metal sequestering agent to really take effect. I try to keep the ph below 7.2 during the normal course of a season.

What is the best metal sequestering agent out there for iron? What is the difference between a chelating agent and a sequestering agent?
Hi GracieCat and welcome to the forum :wave:

Your well water has a ton of iron in it? What is the possibility of having the water trucked in?

What is your location, city & state?

Others will be along with comments :-D
Location: Central North Carolina

My well water is free if you don't count the cost of the metal sequestering chemicals. I think I was told it would be $250 to truck water in. (I can't remember for sure.)

In past years, I would start getting some staining when my ph went over 7.2. It would go away when I dropped it back down. I was using Metal Free which isn't HEDP based though. I'm not really clear on what's best to keep the metals from pulling out of suspension.
ProTeam's Metal Magic and Jack's Magic the Pink Stuff (regular), the Blue Stuff (fresh plaster), and the Purple Stuff (SWG) are some of the top sequestrants. You can also find many other brands with similar products, some of which are noticeably less expensive. Sequestrants based on HEDP, phosphonic acid, or phosphonic acid derivatives are by far the most effective.

Very careful maintenance of the PH right around 7.2 can prevent metal stains, often even without and sequestrant. Even with sequestrant, the closer the PH is to 7.2, the less likely you are to have stains.

I would start adding chlorine very slowly the first evening after the pool is full, the sequestrant has been added, and the CYA has had at least 4 hours to start dissolving. Delaying adding chlorine risks algae getting started. The first evening you probably only want to add 1 ppm of chlorine. 24 hours later you should be relatively safe to add normal quantities, unless you way under did the sequestrant.
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