Help me in using the pool calculator

There is a good article at Pool School on how to use the Pool Calculator. Also, have you read the Pool School article on doing Baquacil Conversions yet?

Once you have figured out the size of your pool, you want to enter that number in the orange size field near the top. To continue using the Pool Calculator you need to know what you are trying to do. Presumably you will be raising the FC level up to 15. To do that you enter your current FC level (possibly zero?) in the Now column, 15 in the target column, and if needed the strength/percentage of the bleach you will be using in the bleach strength field. The Pool Calculator will then tell you how much bleach to add.

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Baquacil/Chlorine Conversion
FC 0
PH 8.2
TA 340
Added Muriatic acid to lower PH before starting conversion

FC 0
PH 6.8
TA 300
Added 546 oz (3-182 oz bottles) 6% chlorine bleach
3/19/2010 (received TFT100XL)
Checked FC in the AM and it showed 0
7:30 PM - Added 546 oz 6% chlorine bleach
9:00 PM – FC at 11, added 182 oz 6% chlorine bleach
10:30 PM – FC at 2
(not sure if I am reading the chlorine only right, I can put in 4 drops and the color disappears, then it comes back and will go away again after adding two more drops, then the color comes back and again and again. So is the first reading right or do I keep on adding drops each time it turns pink again)

3/20/2010 (Pouring down rain and the temperature has dropped 20 degrees from yesterday)
FC 2
TC 5
What does it mean when the TC is higher than the FC?
Should I keep on with the conversion during the rain or wait until it is gone?
The conversion doesn't care if it is raining or not, but you might. If you feel like continuing in the rain, that is fine. If you want to take a break, that is also fine.

FC is free chlorine, active chlorine available to sanitize the pool or perform the conversion
CC is combined chlorine, an inactive form of chlorine that appears temporarily when the chlorine is working. Normally, you don't want any CC in the pool.
TC is total chlorine, the sum of FC and CC.

During a baquacil conversion the CC level can get quite high. As chlorine works, it first forms CC fairly quickly, and then breaks down further at a much slower rate. Doing a conversion, there is so much work for the chlorine to do that a lot of CC gets formed and takes a long time to break down. You will know when the conversion is finally over when the CC level finally goes down.

Doing the FAS-DPD test when there is a high CC level can cause the sample to turn pink again quite quickly after it goes clear. You want to add drops till it turns clear and stays clear for several seconds. If you then leave the sample alone for just a little longer it will turn pink again, which isn't a problem and does not count.
Too many variables to predict. The more often you stay on top of maintaining the FC level, the quicker it may go. Some have been a few days, others a week, others longer. No way to predict, unfortunately. Same with the amount of bleach, but I'd say you have a ways to go yet. You could easily go thru 40 gal if not more.

If you can find the stronger 10-12.5% for a decent price, that might be easier and you'll haul less jugs....
Re: Baquacil conversion in Texas

I started with the correct PH and at this time during the conversion I am not testing the PH, should I be? I was under the impression that the PH would not read correct during the conversion, is that correct?

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