Help me in using the pool calculator

When I have questions regarding getting the normal levels fine tuned should I do them through this thread or start another one?
I cannot thank all of you enough for your wonderful help and support through this process!! I will post a picture of the clear sparkling pool tomorrow along with totals of bleach, time, etc to help out others who take on this process!! :nemo: :fish:
If you are asking questions that seems likely to have something to do with the conversion then you should ask here. Otherwise you can go to another section that might be more appropriate for your questions and ask there. Testing and Balancing is a good area for questions about fine tuning levels.
On the conversion, I started on 3/19/2010 and completed on 4/9/2010
I used a total of 95.28 gallons (not jugs, gallons) of 6% chlorine bleach. For a pool my size is that normal for a conversion or on the high or low side?
CH in a vinyl pool really doesn't matter much, unless it's a new set up and one of the equipment warranty specifies having a specific amount. But you might want to test for it, to get an idea of where you're at, esp. considering your TA level. (high TA, PH and CH can lead to scale problems).

Your TA is high but it's not that bad. High TA is a problem that causes the PH to drift up often. When that happens and it becomes annoyingly bothersome, we have you lower the TA. But if you find your PH is pretty stable at 7.5 then don't worry about it.

If you find your PH drifting up, each time it hits 7.8 just add enough acid to lower the PH down to 7.2. Eventually these acid additions will cause the TA to drift down into the recommended range, and the PH should stabilize. It's more of an issue in pools with sources of aeration, like an SWG. The "How To" article on Lowering TA just tells you how to speed that process up. :)

Yes, you can bring the CYA up to 40-50. Looking good! :)

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This was earlier in the week, beautiful, clear water
Hi, I just wanted to say, Thank you as this thread and TravisD's conversion thread have sold me on using chlorine.

My neighbor is a Baquacil user and he swears by it. I have to admit that his pool has been clear since I moved in last year. He had me convinced it is the way to go.

Your conversions have converted me. :wink: I'll just start with chlorine.
Oh! Hope I'm not Quinsee's neighbor. I used to swear by Baquacil too. My conversion is close to being completed though!! Good decision to just start with chlorine using the BBB way to begin with. From what I'm reading, it will be a decision you won't regret!
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