Which inteliclor system do I need

Aug 17, 2009
Were i nthe process of building a 18,000 gallon in ground. I was at the pool store pricing stuff and the pool guy asked me about my equiptment. When I told him I was getting an Inteliclor he told me to be sure to get the 40 instead of the 20. He said that the number indicates the pool gallons if you run the system 24 hours, thus the 20 will not be enough for my 18,000 gallon pool. Is that right?

Thanks in advance!
Get the 40. I'm not gonna say his explanation is right, but his suggestion to get the bigger one is! Bigger is better in this case (and a smaller pump is better in that case, but you didn't ask that :lol: ).
After re reading my post I think I need to add to what he said. He stated that the 20 will take 24 hours to make enough chlorine for a 20,000 gallon pool, thus not enough chlorine for a 6-10 hour filter cycle.
dykes26 said:
After re reading my post I think I need to add to what he said. He stated that the 20 will take 24 hours to make enough chlorine for a 20,000 gallon pool, thus not enough chlorine for a 6-10 hour filter cycle.
I have a 15K pool and a 40K SWG. It's overkill, but I don't mind having to dial back the output. Now, if it was undersized, that I would mind. Of course, I'm the guy who tells anyone who will listen to double the capacity of whatever filter your builder thinks is right.
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