What to expect from my solar heaters


Mar 30, 2007
Virginia Beach
I have (2) 20ft x 2ft solar panels hooked up to 6000 gal fiberglass pool. I use these in the spring and fall to extend the season. My question is: Does anyone know if solar panels will/can get a pool hotter than the normal daily ambient temperature? Avg temps in Virginia Beach right now are mid to upper 70's and I really like to get the pool temp up to about 80 to get in. I have a cover on it. Is it time to give up for this year?
keithw said:
I have (2) 20ft x 2ft solar panels hooked up to 6000 gal fiberglass pool. I use these in the spring and fall to extend the season. My question is: Does anyone know if solar panels will/can get a pool hotter than the normal daily ambient temperature?

Although technically possible, with 80 sq ft of panels, increasingly short sun exposure combined with cooler tempertures I would think it is unlikely that the pool temperature is going to climb into the 80s. Depends on other variables, too, of course, such as at what time of day and how long the pump runs, angle of panels relative to the sun and overnight lows, the latter two factors contributing to the average ambient temperature you mentioned. Recommend checking the forecast for your area; if avg. day/night temperatures will climb steeply during this next week, wait a few days; else, SWIM NOW! :-D

Avg temps in Virginia Beach right now are mid to upper 70's and I really like to get the pool temp up to about 80 to get in. I have a cover on it. Is it time to give up for this year?
It depends greatly on two things - how much sun is hitting the panel and if you have a cover or not. With good sun during the day, my solar is heating the pool 4-5 degrees right now (south Florida). However, because I don't have a cover, it looses 8 at night when the temps dropped to 56 at night. So there is no way I can keep up without a cover. Then, we had 2 days of overcast and rain, coupled with the low temps, so the pool dropped even lower. I'm at 74-76 right now. Today is sunny and high in the 80s, so it should be around 78-79 this afternoon. By contrast, one neighbor with solar and a blanket was able to stay in the mid 80s this past week, while another neighbor with no solar is at 72.
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