Taking Woodstock.. the movie..

May 26, 2009
Seminole, FL
Ok ok ok! Before you say this is off-topic let me explain. Was watching TV and a commercial for the movie 'Taking Woodstock'. There was a quick scene of a guy dumping something into a pool. His son shouts 'Dad! Its Bleach!' And his Dad responds with 'Yeah but its disinfecting'..

Duhee!! Bad script writers for not knowing you put BLEACH into a pool! It is amazing how many people don't realize what bleach is.
From the article...
It’s a motel that has seen better days, although even the better days, you suspect, were not that good. It has a swimming pool that Jake spikes with bleach instead of chlorine, and a sign saying “Play at Own Risk.” (Indeed, the plethora of signs around the property gives it an air of inadvertent neo-Pop—a hint that it may be flexing itself for fresh culture.)

:hammer: :hammer: :rant: Some people just don't get it. I guess nobody except us on TFP (and my mother before TFP was around) knew that bleach and liquid chlorine were the same thing. :lol:

Though she still think CYA causes cancer or something like that. And she thought that having it in our pool(where our dog swam) was the cause of the dogs skin problems(was really just a skin infection thing). :roll:

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