What flex pvc hose brand?

I will as my go to guy to step in. He is a master pool builder should should know if one brand is better than another.

So why do you want to use flex hose? Just seeing what you are thinking so he has the whole picture.

Flexible PVC has a tendency to crush after years of being buried.... That aside tiger flex is as far as I know an expensive but highly regarded brand of flexible PVC. All PVC has UV stability issues and will harden over time. A simple coat of paint can help delay any UV related hardening issues.
FYI, the only place my flex pvc will be out of the ground will be in the equipment shed. There will be no sunlight hitting it.
Also, my flex lines will be sitting on 1" rigid insulation (that insulation will be sitting on 6" of HPB) Then, a 2 pound spray foam with be sprayed over top covering the remainig 3 sides and the rigid foam.
Well that will be as close to solid pvc as you can with flexible!

LOL I just like to make sure I understand the whys and hows when someone is thinking outside the box or against the norm. Not everyone is as "plan ahead" as you are or as "think it through" so I feel I need to make sure it has been thought out and the pros and cons are thought through. You never know who will find this tread in the future. It can be used as a learning thread for them on what to do or not to do.

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