Updates for Mobile Users


TFP Expert
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Jul 21, 2011
Eastern Ohio
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Over the last few weeks I've been working on a new style of the forum focused on improving the website for new users who surf TFP via a mobile device. Today I changed a few settings on the forum to push all mobile users towards a new Responsive Theme rather than the "default Mobile" style we used before. This theme is still under construction and will be tinkered with over the winter months. If you see issues or find dislikes I urge you to please PM me your comments so I can look further into them. That said, I fully understand there are those users who will HATE this new theme. For those users there is a way to revert to the way it was before. If you scroll to the very bottom of the page you'll see a drop-down box. Click on that and change your selection to "Default Style." This will revert you back to the old version of the forum.

I know many of you are asking why this change? The website worked just fine the way it was before!! I don't completely disagree with that statement one bit. For those users who are used to one style or another I urge you to use that style. For many others though I've found that many find TFP very difficult to surf when on mobile devices. Currently over 40% of the forum visits using a mobile device of some sort or another. Our old style we defaulted to simply stunk. I'm hoping this minor upgrade will simplify navigating the website for new users and will allow us to assist even more users in the future.

Again, if you have any issues I urge you to please PM or email me at [email protected] and I'll assist you further.

I almost never use my phone to use TFP, but when I did, I did not like the interface. Just for grins I tried my phone today and found the new format much better for me.. Keep in mind that I never did do the tap-a-talk or whatever it was called..

Really just answered to get this post off the non-answered list... :p

Jim R.
I'm willing to give the new style a try. I'm old and set in my ways, so I don't know...

First thoughts -
My eyes say, "It sure is pretty and easy on the eyes."

My brain says, "What??? Where are those old shoes that felt so good?!"

Thanks, Lee, for all your hard work!
I was a Tapatalk hostage and still suffer from a little Stockholm Syndrome. I haven’t deleted the t-talk app just yet but I did completely log out of it a few weeks ago in an attempt to use the new “Summertime Blues” (STB) theme. I also use my iPhone 7+ A LOT MORE than my MacBook or iMac as I’m almost NEVER able to sit down (yeah, you try raising 4 kids and see if you can get 30 secs of peace and quiet!!). Here are my impressions so far -

1. A mobile web interface will never be the same user experience as an App. Apps allow for more fluid transitions and more efficient content management than a web interface does.

2. The STB screen, even on my large format iPhone is crowded. Buttons and links can be hard to tap without inadvertent mistakes. The input field to create a post is too small. This might all look better on a larger format tablet, but it still sucks on a phone.

3. Being on the TFP website avoids annoying/harassing advertising and sales. Big plus.

4. NO NOTIFICATIONS! With the web interface, there’s no easy, instant way to be notified of new posts or posts where someone has quoted you. This can be done through email notification but TFP has a 10 minute lag on all email notifications AND I honestly hate having to clutter my inbox even more with junk mail notifications that I’ll just delete anyway.

With that said, I’ll continue to use STB and harass Lee with my inane feature requests. Heck, I wrote this reply using STB....
I can not deny many of your comments. I made this change very early so I’ll have time over the winter to make updates. That said, you’ve also pointed out a major limitation we’ve hit on TFP. Our software is tip-toeing on being 10 years old. TFP has been running the software for about 5 years now. Many of the things commented on have been addressed in newer software, but that would require a MAJOR software upgrade that every member of TFP would have to work with. Additionally this upgrade would require the photo gallery, Pool School, PoolMath App, and many other features on TFP to be updated to work correctly. While this is something that will need to be done in time, I’m just unprepared to do this now.

I am SO happy you found this somewhat easy to use. I’m looking forward to hearing from a few new users in time. In the past by far the #1 request for assistance I get is “How do I create my own thread?” During the Summer it’s very common I see this question 25-30 times a week. Having talked to users I found many were using the old Mobile style what worked, but not very well. It was designed 10’ish years ago back when Blackberries and PDA’s were the rage and the interface is greatly outdated. I’m hoping this change will help new users find their way around the forum and get the assistance they’re looking for.

Thank you for the kind words! I know changes often result in the “where are my old shoes” thoughts which is one reason I’m avoiding major software upgrades as much as I can.
I select the default style but it keeps reverting to the mobile style randomly. It works for a while but it doesn't stay on the web interface even though it still says default style.
How do you access the forum? Do you access via a bookmark?? If so, what is that link? Additionally, you are still logged in the entire time correct (likely a yes).
I’ve updated my bookmark to the same you use and will try to recreate the issue. In the mean time, can you update your bookmark to the following URL,

That should bypass everything.

Edit.........well, maybe not. :(

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