CYA and Clarifier

This is a two part question, lol. I went a way for a week and when I came back my pool was a greenish, cloudy color so much that I could not see the bottom of the deep end. I figured it was algae since we get a lot of rain and a bunch of leaves from my neighbors tree.

I followed the steps listed in algae removal. All my readings were ok except for CYA.

1. First question, I have added 6 lbs of CYA this summer (switch from baq last year) in a 22,500 octagonal pool. At first I was getting a reading of 25. I checked it this week and it says 0? What happened to it and should I add more? The people at the pool store said no because if I added more it could cloud up my pool and the only way to get rid of it is to drain the pool.

2. I have seen this water clarifier at walmart and wondered if it helps with cloudy water?

It is possible for CYA to go away in only a couple of days if FC has fallen to zero, but it is relatively unlikely. If you are testing the CYA with a test strip or at a pool store, it is very likely that the test results are just wrong. If you are using a kit with Taylor chemistry, anything from Taylor or the TF100 or the WalMart six way kit, then the CYA probably did disappear.

Clarifier won't help. You need to kill the algae with chlorine and let the filter do its job.
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