"Honey, I think I left the iron on..."


LifeTime Supporter
Aug 7, 2008
Brooklyn Park, MN
Lots of chaos at my house this morning! My 24 year old daughter and her fiance' were moving out of my basement and into their first apartment together. At the same time I was running around getting ready to travel to Chicago for a 4 day new job orientation that starts bright and early Monday morning. Since I am the keeper of the pool at our house, I gave the pool a good cleaning this morning and tested all chemical parameters, making whatever adjustments were called for to ensure that the pool would surrive 4 days without me. As I was walking away from the pool I started to worry about the water level. What if the water level dropped too low while I am gone and the pump burns out? So I decided I'd better top off the pool before I left. I grabbed the garden hose, tossed it in and turned it on. I then went in the house, took my shower, packed my bags and left for the airport.
My cell phone rings just as I am arriving at the airport and I see its my daughter calling. I think about hitting "ignore" but with a flash of guilt I answer the call instead. On the other end of the line is my daughter's frantic voice saying "you know that white box thingy on the side of the pool? There is water all over the place coming from it!" It was only at that moment that I remembered that I had been topping off the pool!
So needless to say, the pool is more than topped off! The backyard is flooded and I understand it looks like a disaster area. I had to get on my plane, so I'm now in Chicago and it will be late Thursday night before I can get a look at the mess for myself. Thank God my daughter noticed what was happening before she left too!
Anyway, I do think at the very least its going to take a long time for my kids to let me forget about this little "incident". Hmmm...I wonder if there is a way to blame it all on my husband? :lol:
There is always a way to blame the husband, my wife does it to me all the time !!

Your not alone just so you know, that happened to me last summer. Fortunately a neighbor was home to go shut off the hose, Our pool did not flood the yard though .....
BTDT too! :mrgreen:

I blamed the dog! I ain't blam'in myself! :-D
I'd bet most of the people here have done this before.... myself, multiple times. One time I left the hose on overnight. Woke up and looked out the bathroom window, thinking "WHY is the pool so full!!!???" DOH! :hammer:

I try to always use the kitchen timer, and force myself not to start adding water if I'm about to leave for any reason.

I saw a post one time asking what are the top features to have on a pool, and one of them was an auto-leveler. I would second that!
Lol Waterbear .... our cat says its the bird !!

I would love to get an auto leveler but my problem is I would have to get water to the pool. Something Ive been wanting to do for a long time because dragging the hose up the steps and to the pool SUX !
Albertville, you guys are in the "rest of Minnesota drought" so I'm guessing it will be sucked up by the ground in no time flat. Last year we had over 1000 gallons pour out when pipes blew, 4 separate times so been there done that. I'll bet it will be fine.

BTW - by "rest of Minnesota" I mean everyone except us in NW Minn where we PRAY it doesn't rain again until September. You guys are in a the dryest summer since the 30s and we are just barely drying up from the most saturated 9 months and flooded spring since the 500 year flood of 97. If my pool drains out on the ground it will NEVER soak in. You'll be ok.

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NWMNMom said:
Albertville, you guys are in the "rest of Minnesota drought" so I'm guessing it will be sucked up by the ground in no time flat. Last year we had over 1000 gallons pour out when pipes blew, 4 separate times so been there done that. I'll bet it will be fine.

BTW - by "rest of Minnesota" I mean everyone except us in NW Minn where we PRAY it doesn't rain again until September. You guys are in a the dryest summer since the 30s and we are just barely drying up from the most saturated 9 months and flooded spring since the 500 year flood of 97. If my pool drains out on the ground it will NEVER soak in. You'll be ok.

My folks are in NW Wisconsin...and the lake is down two feet...after a pretty snowy winter, they haven't had big rain since march. No campfires when we get there next week that is for sure. :rant:
Now that would be one of the times I'm thankful to be on a well. I have a finite amount of water until the well recharges, so there is only so much water I can accidentally dump into the pool. Glad your daughter saw what was up and called...hopefully you'll have the right weather to dry it out quickly!
Ummm...I kinda went the other direction this weekend. Was draining the pool down a bit because of all the rain we've had here lately, and was doing some other things, and thought, "hey, it's lunchtime" and went inside to eat lunch. Was finishing up lunch, talking to the DW, and was thinking about what else I had to do that day besides drain the pool....OMG!!!! DRAINING THE POOL!!! I went running outside and cut the valve off, and thankfully only went down about two-three inches lower than I had intended. Still took a couple of hours to fill it back up... :oops:

Oh...and to top it off, it rained like heck two days later..I'll probably have to drain some more here in a day or two.... :hammer:
MikeInTN said:
Oh...and to top it off, it rained like heck two days later..I'll probably have to drain some more here in a day or two.... :hammer:

I HATE that! I added a foot of water when I opened. I have since drained at least a foot of water from all the rain we have had. :hammer:

My CYA levels are on a roller coaster. I get it right and then have to drain 6 inches down, it rains, I drain, etc., etc.,
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