How to "Bond' a Heater"

I had a new Raypak gas heater installed. My concern is Galvanic Corrosion. The unit is situated 10 feet from the equipment pad. Can I buy some sort of sacrificial anode and bury it near the heater? If so, what would I buy?

A sacrificial anode is somewhat pointless but has a great placebo effect. You would be much better off to simply focus on keeping your water chemistry in balance as the pH of the water flowing in the heater is the dominant driving force for heater core damage. Galvanic corrosion is somewhat possible on the external surface of the heater core but I doubt there's any evidence showing that external galvanic corrosion is in any way a real issue (or else the manufacturers would make accommodations for it).

If you must have one, an inline Zn sacrificial anode of the kind found here -

PoolTool Anodes- Manufacturer of specialty pool and spa tools

makes more sense (but only slightly more sense) as it would have a somewhat real electrochemical effect. An external anode is a waste of time and money because it has to be designed properly and installed in a bagged configuration to be of any use. As I said, external galvanic corrosion is like Big Foot - everyone swears they see it but no one has any pictures...
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