help with solving water cloudiness


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May 22, 2011
Miami, FL
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool RJ-45
After some weeks of steady rain a few weeks back here in Miami, my pool water remains cloudy. The pool is algae free, and looks clean, but the deep end looks mirky.

TC 5.0
FC 5.0
ph 8
TA 75ppm
Calcium hardness 180 ppm
Stabilizer 50

These are the numbers from a local pool store that I do trust, and I added Calcium hardness and TA increaser AFTER. I also added 7.5 gallons of chlorine (3 jugs). The pump has been running for a good time (6-8 hours daily), but the cloudiness/haziness remains.

What else can I do or check?
Thank you
My wife took the sample, and I am going to assume that she mentioned the cloudiness. Based on the numbers, they stated to add alkalinity increaser and calcium hardness.
What your pool needs the most is muriatic acid. Your pH should ALWAYS be in the 7's. I would lower it sooner rather than later.

I assume your cloudiness may be from the calcium chloride but you don't say how big of a dose you applied.

Run your pump 24/7 until it clears and brush the bottom of the pool from time to time.

I would have left TA alone.
What your pool needs the most is muriatic acid. Your pH should ALWAYS be in the 7's. I would lower it sooner rather than later.
I assume your cloudiness may be from the calcium chloride but you don't say how big of a dose you applied.

thank you Dave. So, they said to make an already basic pool (ph of 8) more basic by adding 5 pounds of sodium hydrogen carbonate? Wow.
You stated that I added calcium chloride. When/how did I do that? I ask to learn, not to question or doubt.
the cloudiness is mostly gone. My latest numbers
ph 7.8
TA 75
CH 225
TC 4 and FC 4

I am being told to add TA increaser, but I'm not sure with a ph of 7.8. I need some acid, right?
Ok. So in the name if education, can we assume that those are my numbers. A oh of 7.8 doesn't need more sodium bicarbonate. Correct?

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Ok. So in the name if education, can we assume that those are my numbers. A oh of 7.8 doesn't need more sodium bicarbonate. Correct?
Correct. 7.8 is at the top of the scale, so anything higher and you want to use muriatic acid to lower as noted on the Recommended Chemicals link below in my sig. A TA around 70-80 is fine as well (if we assumed that was accurate). Once you obtain your own test kit, you'll see what we mean. Keep us posted.
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