Buried AGP vs Inground pool


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2011
Lehigh Valley, PA
Hi guys:
I have had a beautiful 21' AGP for the past 4 years with no issues whatsoever using the BBB method. Super easy to maintain.
We are moving to a brand new home with a GIANT 1.5 acre backyard and are already considering pool options. Its a blank slate. 4 years
ago when we looked at Inground pools, it would have cost us like 40k for a modestly sized pool. Meanwhile, my AGP cost about 5K total with equipment.
Are there now less costly options for an inground pool ? We looked at the whole buried AGP and that looks interesting. I thought I would consult the "masters" here for advice.

Thanks in advance for all your support on my many previous questions, this forum is awesome! :)
Will this be your "Forever Home"? You might consider going more gung-ho if it is.

There are some pretty nice looking buried ABG pools (Radiant brand comes to mind) but also vinyl lined pools are less expensive than gunite and fiberglass. You might check in to those.
Will this be your "Forever Home"? You might consider going more gung-ho if it is.

There are some pretty nice looking buried ABG pools (Radiant brand comes to mind) but also vinyl lined pools are less expensive than gunite and fiberglass. You might check in to those.
Well, I do plan on staying there for at least a decade. I have a family of 4(including myself). I currently have a 21 ft AGP so 24x16 or 28x16 should be fine.
What are the general price differences between a buried AGP vs an inground fiberglass ?
revisiting this a year later..lol.
I live in PA in Berks county and looking for reputable person to do a buried AGP or a regular inground. I have a budget of 15-20k. My only requirement is walk in stairs and a 7 foot deep end. Is that even in my budget ?
You could check out Chester County Pools - they are a doughboy dealer. Doughboys can be buried, with a deep end and they have an entry step option. I wish we got the entry step, but we couldn't do it with size of round pool we wanted. We have about 6 - 6.5 feet of depth (couldn't go deeper because of rocks). Ours isn't buried, we have it mostly surrounded by deck.

I think you should be good with your budget (it will also depend on the size of pool you choose).

Also look into radiant pools. I don't know much about them, but they look beautiful. A lot less "above ground pool" looking. I'm not sure if you can do the deep end with them though, that was the selling point for us on the doughboy. We also liked that with doughboy we didn't have to find an installer - the guys who did our install worked for the company and clearly had a ton of experience installing those particular pools, with deep ends.

Here's a link to our install - they came in first with a bobcat and did the rough out of the deep end, then did more shaping and the full install the next day. This is our 4th summer with the pool.

Our 28 ft AGP...up and at 'em!!
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