Equalizer Line Issue

I bought a home with a damaged skimmer. I used pool putty to fix it. So now that it is time to close the pool I can't really cap the equalizer line due to the putty being around the hole. I don't see me ever getting a good seal. I have read that foam rope can be used but I wanted to make sure that is a safe and viable option. I plan on using a gizzmo on the intake line and it is free of any pool putty so I should be fine on that line. Thank you!
Is there putty both in the skimmer and where the equalizer comes out the pool wall? If not why not just cap at the wall? The theory on the foam rope is it will not absorb water so should the pipe freeze the ice can compress the rope and not burst the pipe. I would think it should work but caping a dry pipe is a better option if it can be achieved. You could always do both should the plug fail the rope would be a backup just be sure you have a way to remove it
Is there putty both in the skimmer and where the equalizer comes out the pool wall? If not why not just cap at the wall? The theory on the foam rope is it will not absorb water so should the pipe freeze the ice can compress the rope and not burst the pipe. I would think it should work but caping a dry pipe is a better option if it can be achieved. You could always do both should the plug fail the rope would be a backup just be sure you have a way to remove it

The equalizer line is connected to the main drain best I can tell.
ah ok got it then the rope should do the trick.

You may want to run some fishing line down the length of the rope and tie it to the end of the rope, tie the other end to something large that will not fit in the pipe like a block of wood. The line will keep the rope from falling down the pipe too far and come spring aid in the removal of the rope should it somehow get stuck. It is unlikely to get stuck but I like to have a backup plan for things like that.
OK good idea!

I made a test run today and the foam rope would only go about 1 foot down before it hit a turn or something. I doubled the rope on top of itself just to take up more space as well. Would wrapping some tape around it at the end be OK? I was thinking it would give it some weight and some more stiffness if it is a bend in the pipe so that I can push it on past that point.
couple of ideas, put the rope in a section of vinyl or rubber tubing to give it some rigidity, or Walmart sells fiberglass parking markers for a few dollars. They are basicly a 3ft fiberglass or plastic pole with a reflector at one end you could attach the rope to that. Or how about an old fishing pole you don't use anymore just remove the eyelets. You only need to go a little past whatever level you drain the water line to.
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