Leaving on vacation for 2 1/2 days FC and PH concerns


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May 9, 2015
Peoria, AZ
Next week I am heading to Vegas for 2 1/2 days, it will be 3 wks post new plaster at that time so no salt yet. My FC target has been 6.5PPM, during the day 6am to 6pm I am losing about 2-3PPM. I have been adding chlorine twice per day morning and night. PH seems to stay between 7.5 and 7.6. I have only been adding acid 1 time per day. My CYA is only about 25PPM so I need to add more hopefully it will come up by next week.

How should I handle being gone?

Chlorine: If I am losing 2-3PPM of FC should I bump FC to 9-10 PPM on Weds morning when I leave and hope it does not go below 3PPM before Friday evening?
The other option is drop a couple pucks in a floater? Not sure how quickly they dissolve or how many I need to maintain 6PPM? on FC.

PH: Should I drop PH to 7.2 PPM on Weds morning?

Thanks for the help on my dumb question!
I don't have any experience with new plaster, but I'd probably raise the FC to shock level, drop the pH to 7.2, and add some trichlor pucks in a floater. The pucks will also help stabilize pH as they are pretty acidic. The more you get FC over the target number, the more ppm you lose. So as your FC goes up, your FC consumption (in ppm) goes up as well.

I did something similar for a 5 day trip and it worked well.

FC to shock level for your CYA, [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA]
PH to 7.2

No dumb questions seen here. :)

Okay, so assuming I can get my CYA to 50PPM by next Weds. That calls for FC at 16PPM to be at shock level. If I am not at 50PPM I assume I should still follow the chart for whatever my CYA level is, correct?

Should I still put pucks in a floater? If so what type, and how many? And is this done regardless of the FC level?

Lastly, I assume shock levels of FC will not harm new plaster?

thanks again!!
I would think your low CYA lends itself perfectly to using trichlor pucks while you are away. I did it for 5 days and raised my CYA about 10ppm during that time. As for how many pucks, I could only suggest following the directions of your floater. Mine has an adjustment to allow for more or less water to flow through it. And it has a 4puck capacity. I set it to the number just above my capacity (I have 17,000 gals, next setting up is 20,000gals). Ideally you could try it for a day or two to see how it will maintain your FC and effect your CYA. With just 2.5 days to deal with, I think you'll be fine with whatever you decide.
Okay I know I am beating this to death but I still have a disconnect and I really want to understand the details of the chemistry.

If I leave in the morning with FC at shock level for my CYA level, let's call it 16PPM. If I am adding (1) 8oz puck that will add 5.1PPM of FC. Sooooo, that would bump FC to 21.1PPM? But since FC is getting burned off it should not stay that high? Any issues with that?

Also how long does (1) puck maintain 5.1PPM? 24 hours, 1 week?

If I put the pool at shock level of 16PPM on Wed. AM, I figure I will lose 3PPM per day, so lets say it should be at 6-7PPM by the end of the day Friday with no puck added. correct?

I assume"IF" I add the (1) 8oz puck with the FC at shock level of 16PPM the puck is just going to buffer the FC loss, Pool math says it adds 5.1PPM but it does not say for how long the puck will maintain that level.

If it's not this exact okay, but I have been dealing with exact measurements and just don't want to screw something up.

thanks for dealing with me.
The pucks dissolves over time, it doesn't add FC (or CYA) all at once. Think of it slowly dripping chlorine over the course of a week, and at the end of the week if you were to count the drops it's (x) PPM.

You are really overthinking it :)
Yep, you'll be fine. As Mr B says, the pucks will dissolve over time. For easy math let's say it takes 10.2 hours to dissolve. It will add 0.5 ppm of FC to the pool each hour. No issues with putting a puck or two in a floater and raising FC to shock level.

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I am leaving tomorrow morning. My tests fromthis morning:
FC-6ppm. I only lose .5 ppm overnight and about 2-2 1/2 ppm during the day.
CYA-40. I put more in last thurs, figuring it would get to 50 ppm but its a bit short still.

So according to the chart with a cya of 40 the FC shock level should be 16ppm, so thats what i will add tomorrow. I will start ramping it up tonight.

I will also put 2 8oz pucks in a floater.

Will drop PH to 7.2 as it only rises about .1 in a 24 hour period.

Sound right? Hoping the FC will not drop below 6-7.
Also do i need to rig the float so it does not come close to the walls?
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