TA Insanely High

Jun 12, 2014
Sharpsville, IN
I checked out how to lower TA in pool school, but I'm not sure how much MA to add and how often.

I have been struggling with this Indiana weather all summer and if I can't get this pool under control in the next week, I am closing it down for the season. I am so tired of dealing with it. It has been a nonstop green -blue - green - blue all summer.

Just this weekend my filter failed (or something) and everything I was vacuuming off the bottom came back into the pool via the returns. SO angry!

Anywho, anyone have more detail to lowering TA?

Morning Reading: 330
Chlorine: ? - Didn't have time to run a full panel before work.

Obviously the issue here is lowering the TA so that everything else will fall into place.

As high as your TA is right now, your pH will rise fast enough that you'll be able to give this pool more than one acid dose per day. I'd bet that if you're aerating, the pH would rise from 7.0 to 7.6 in a couple hours.

Keep at the process they described above and it will come down.
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