pump won't run on high


LifeTime Supporter
Mar 21, 2015
Corpus Christi, Texas
I have a 2 speed Supreme pump, about a year old. If it's on low and the timer kicks on it will run fine. If it's on high when the timer kicks on it will just seize and throw a breaker. If you start it on low and switch it to off and then high on the pump, it runs fine. Where do I start? Wonder if it's under warraranty?

My PB is horrible, so I'd rather start here if possible

I have a 2 speed Supreme pump, about a year old. If it's on low and the timer kicks on it will run fine. If it's on high when the timer kicks on it will just seize and throw a breaker. If you start it on low and switch it to off and then high on the pump, it runs fine. Where do I start? Wonder if it's under warraranty?

My PB is horrible, so I'd rather start here if possible


Can you post pic of your pump motor shield/sticker?
Yes, it's a Waterway Supreme. Pics attached:

The more I read about how long a pump should last, the madder I get about it. I've read most folks getting 5-7 years out of a new pump. This thing is right at a year old. I'm wondering if I should even bother trying to repair it for just replace it. If I were to replace it, is there any brand or model you fine people would suggest? I definitely want to stay with a 2 speed pump, and it is plenty powerful to run all of my water features on high. 95% of the time it runs on low, saving me money and still high enough to keep the SWG happy.
That's great, all I need is your CC number and that three digit security number on the back. Or I can just wait for a check in the mail :rolleyes:

Glad you're back up and running. Pump issues can be the cause of an ugly green monster is a short period of time.
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