I need clarification on TF-100 tests


Active member
Jul 13, 2016
Terre Haute, Indiana
Using the FT-100 kit.
Testing for TA
The procedure says to add 25 ml of pool water, then 2 drops of R-0007, swirl, add 5 drops of R-0008, swirl.
count as you add R-0009 while swirling between drops. when it changes to Pink, Am I supposed to continue adding drops?
the instructions seem to say to, until it stops getting More pink, but don't count the last drop because it didn't make it pink'er. (if that is a real word)

CH test procedure question.
Kinda the same but, when adding R-0012, i keep adding R-0012 until the solution just stops changing, right???

I just want to make sure I am supposed to keep adding until the color quits getting darker/brighter of the color, as opposed to the solution just turning pink keep adding until the darkest pink is obtained, then don't count the last drop.

I hope I am making sense or explaining myself well.
I just want to make sure I am supposed to keep adding until the color quits getting darker/brighter of the color, as opposed to the solution just turning pink keep adding until the darkest pink is obtained, then don't count the last drop.

I hope I am making sense or explaining myself well.

You make sense :)

The tests you're asking about are a color change that you are looking for. When adding another drop no longer produces a shift in color, subtract that drop and count what you had. Same with FC.
Once the color changes based on instructions, add another drop to make sure the color does not change, either lighter or darker based on instructions. Then do not count the last drop. Very important to wipe the dropper bottle for the TA test or you may get a false reading.

Pool School - Total Alkalinity

Above is the link for detailed instructions on how to test for TA.

Pool School - Calcium Hardness

Above is the link for the Calcium Testing
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