Thanks for this forum!!

Jul 25, 2016
Barcelona, Spain
Newcomer from Spain. Father of a family of wife, two kids (15 and 10), two dogs and a cat. First time owner of a pool. Got it with the house. Got it when it was completely green and a perfect habitat for a large community of mosquitoes, worms and all kinds of other insects. A pool company got the pool straightened out for us. Inherited a lot of chemicals and everybody tells me to buy even more. Extremely happy to have found this forum to get things under control so i don't have to call and hire a pool company for everything.
I will read a lot because i a) hate to ask stupid questions and b) hate to ask questions that are already asked 100 times on this forum.

Thanks for this great place on the net. I needed this.

Talk to you all soon!

Greetings from warm Barcelona,

Welcome to TFP! :wave:

Thanks for making that first post. It's great to hear from people who appreciate the site, even if you found the answers to your questions on your own! There sure are a lot of great articles and threads that are relevant to most any question. The site search box is a simple, amazing tool to find what you might need to see if others have gone through something similar.

Happy swimming! :paddle: