Now i can laugh!!

Jun 28, 2016
New Jersey
I am a new here .the local pool store must of had a excess of cya to get rid of and sold me 16 lbs to put in know the results.
So after buying enough chemicals to pay their rent, i found this site.
after several partial drain and refills with well water and a TF 100 here are my results
CYA 65
PH 7.5
CH 75
TA 90
FC 5
CC .5
TC 5.5
water is now crystal clear
I live in a area with Hard water and have a water softener but it cannot keep up with the rate of water used in the refill.
a few specks that look like rust are on steps where hose discharged ,are they something to try and correct?
Hello and welcome to TFP! :wave: It sounds as though you had some metal/iron either from the fill water or from the discharge hose itself deposit some metal on those steps. At least not so much that your water is effected or anything. If the rust spots are small in size and area, you could try rubbing some vitamin C tabs crushed in a sock on them. If the stains are more substantial, then you might have to look at other treatments like Ascorbic Acid or something. Hopefully those stains are only because of the hose discharge itself and not from the fill water. Your #1 goal is to keep algae away so that you don't have to "SLAM" which requires a significantly higher FC level to kill algae, which in-turn increases the potential for reaction with the metals in the water. With a CYA of 65 (round-up to 70), I'd keep the daily FC around between 7-8 and never let it drop below 5. It's usually a balancing act between maintaining the right FC to keep algae away while not angering the metal in the water. :)

If the stains begin to grow in numbers, you might have more metal in the water in which case you would also need to add sequestrant to the water and replenish it periodically. Sequestrant is a chemical that binds to the iron in the water so that it can't form stains or turn brown. Sequestrant breaks down slowly, so you need to add more regularly. Pool School - Metals in the Water and Metal Stains

Great to have you with us!
The only thing the OTO test is good for in my opinion is as a sanity checker, i.e. is there ANY chlorine in this water. Especially with a higher CYA you need the accuracy of the FAS-DPD test.
Personal preference on the FC testing. Some folks are just able to "calibrate" their eyes to read the colors quite well and can tell where their FC is within about 1-2 ppm on the comparator view. For others, the accuracy of the powder & drops is best. Many will use the quick view everyday and only do the powder/drops every few days. Your call really. Me personally, I like the accuracy of the powder & drops, and I love my Speed Stir, so that's how I do mine every evening. :)