Can I UPGRADE my intake valves?

Jun 21, 2016
Coleman, TX

Changing my filter every day is THE BIGGEST HASSLE ever! My above-ground Coleman 18'x48" vinyl pool has 2 intake valves that are little non-threaded 1 1/4" openings. I have to loosen the clamp on the outside, then stick my arm way down inside, twist and turn to pull the strainer out, then put a little rubber plug in the hole to stop the water.

My return valve, on the other hand, is a fantastic drop valve with a simple twist ON/OFF top to open and close the valve. It's a larger diameter however than the B valve openings. Is there anyway to upgrade the B intake valves to be like the A return valve and make my chore 90% quicker and 100% more convenient?!!?!




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I've been searching for hours for info on this issue. I have the exact same coleman pool with the 2 smaller B inlets and nothing to screw anything into them.

I bought an intex skimmer and and intex vacuum kit but I can't attach them because there is nothing to screw anything into. They connect perfectly to the larger A valve where water goes into the pool, but that isn't where I need them.

There is water in the pool already so I'm not sure what to do...

Any advice at all would be incredibly appreciated!!!!!
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