First Test Results For the New Pool


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2007
Hillsborough, NC
I shut our old pool for the winter in 2014, then we sold the house and did not have a pool where we were living last year while our house was built. So it's been nearly 2 years and I had to relearn some things. I got the pump started Saturday. CYA showed 0, as expected. I added enough liquid bleach to shock the water and started adding salt and CYA. After 2 days and 12 bags of salt I'm at

pH - 7
TA - 30
FC - 8
Salt PPM - 2800

The chlorine is higher than I expected from 2 days of not adding any. I need to get pH up but need to boost TA first. My previous pool the pH tended to drift up, will have to see what this pool does. I won't test CYA for several more days since it can take a while to completely dissolve. I still need to test CH. Since the pool is vinyl I shouldn't need to but I know a lot of chemicals assume at least a minimum CH for plaster, etc pools.
Are you loving having a pool again??? I loved mine today when I was able to jump in after painting the last of my fence!

Since you have been gone we have done to "testing" with the CYA. We have found some exciting news. Once the CYA is dissolved and the water has turned over you can go ahead and test and it should show up! I was the *lucky* one that squeezed two whole sockfulls in by hand over a couple of hours beers LOL. It showed up and on target the next day. Just so you know.

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Yes, loving having a pool again. Swam today for the first time. I added the TA booster this afternoonb and half an hour later it was spot on at 90. pH had also ticked up to 7.2, so I will leave it alone and see what happens. I'll start the SWG tomorrow night. I'll test CYA tomorrow, thanks for the tip. One big difference between this pool and the last one is most of the water in this one is city water. We paid to have this filled so as to get it open faster. Since it's not well water, I don't have the metal problems I did in the last pool, but I'm still going to get my tap water tested to see how much metal is in it.
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