Generic Bleach ok???


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2014
Palm Desert, CA
I had a reverse osmosis on my pool water yesterday and was going to get the FC back up using generic household bleach until my SWG gets going, but the technician said that would add other contaminants that could stain my pool. Hype or true? I need to start adding this morning. He said use dichlor.

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Also, the bleach doesn't say a weight. Pool math is saying 6%. It is a generic I bought at Smart and Final called Simply Value bleach
It is fine, technician is confused or misinformed. Bleach, as long as not spashless or a special variety, is the same thing as liquid chlorine or shock that they sell at the pool store. It is just a lower concentration. It only adds chlorine, water and a little salt.

It the bottle doesn't specify assume 6% strength and dose accordingly.
Liquid chlorine in all forms (store bleach or pool store LC) adds both salt and lye (sodium hydroxide) to your pool. Also, cheaply manufactured bleach can have metal contamination in it which is the primary cause of high decay rates in cheap bleach. BUT, none of these are at any concentration that would affect your pool. You can very safely use bleach in your new pool water.

So the tech is likely just retelling the same misunderstood information about liquid chlorine without trying to actually understand what the reality is.
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