installing a through wall skimmer on an intex pool.

May 18, 2015
I'm really considering installing a through wall skimmer on my intex pool. the plastic intex wall hanging skimmer by intex doesn't work well and I often end up hand skimming. very time consuming.

do you guys gave any suggestions or feedback on this?

Intex 18/52 pool at 7000 gsllons.
vinyl sift sided pool
intex 1500 gph sand filter and intex swg at 1500 gph.
Absolutely do it. It's one of the best upgrades you can do.

Don't put the new skimmer directly over the port for the old one as I did. You may want to use the old one again some day for an intake below the water surface. I blocked access to mine.

did you drain before doing it or just push the screws through?

im so scared.

but the good thing here us, I have the new intex with the dual intake. so if I blocked access to one, I still would gave access to the other.

Intex 18/52 pool at 7000 gsllons.
vinyl sift sided pool
intex 1500 gph sand filter and intex swg at 1500 gph.
I only drained down far enough to cut the hole.


Some people don't drain at all. They just split the gasket in half, put one half on each side of the liner, and screw it all together before cutting out the liner. But I didn't want to risk messing up the gasket by cutting it in half.

If you buy a Hayward skimmer, it may also come with an improved return eyeball. You can cut out a larger hole for that too if you need to.


I know it's scary (I wouldn't let my wife watch), but I've never heard of anyone screwing it up or regretting having done it. Just take your time. And you'll need a BIG screwdriver to tighten the skimmer to enough to keep it from leaking. I actually ended up using a screwdriver bit in a socket wrench.
wow! I was thinking of cutting a larger hole where my 2nd intake is, to put another intex intake where my 2nd one is, that way I can cut off the suction to that valve when vacuuming.

Intex 18/52 pool at 7000 gsllons.
vinyl sift sided pool
intex 1500 gph sand filter and intex swg at 1500 gph.
how did you get the circular cut hole, measuring it to the right size.

Intex 18/52 pool at 7000 gsllons.
vinyl sift sided pool
intex 1500 gph sand filter and intex swg at 1500 gph.

Just held the new fitting up to it and "eyeballed" it. It doesn't have to be exact. There's enough overlap in the gasket to seal it off.
oh. why would you need to cut the gasket in half? just curious.

Intex 18/52 pool at 7000 gsllons.
vinyl sift sided pool
intex 1500 gph sand filter and intex swg at 1500 gph.

It's a butterfly gasket. It wraps over the edge of the hole, half inside and half outside.

In order to put it on before you cut a hole in the liner, you have to split it in half and put one half on either side. This didn't look like a good idea to me, although plenty of people have done it successfully. Maybe someone can post a picture to show what I'm talking about.

I decided to just drain a few inches instead. It was no big deal.

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