Clear water with green tint


Jun 14, 2013
i changed my vinyl liner in my in ground pool and refilled with brown city water. i added recommended chemicals and brought the salt levels back to 3100. all my readings are in range. the pool has a green tint otherwise clear. no problem seeing the bottom. i have shocked it 2 times with 6 lbs each time . have also added algicide. please help!
Re: clear water with green tint

Most likely iron. Add 1 bottle of sequestrant and add some de substitute fiber to the sand filter. Don't shock. Let the chlorine level come down. Run the filter continuously and backwash as needed. Add more fiber after backwashing. Keep the swg off for one week. If you need chlorine, put 2 to 3 trichlor tabs in the skimmer and run the filter continuously until the tabs are used up.

Tabs in the skimmer will oxidize metals before the filter, which will make it more likely that the metal will get caught in the filter.

What algaecide did you use? What were the ingredients?
Thanks for your response. The water is slowly clearing. It has been over a week as when I refilled. I did start with adding DE to a gallon of water and pouring it to the skimmer and adding every time I backwash. I did not know that it would take this long to clear. There is no staining in the pool just pretty light very light green water.
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