Intex Skimmer


Mar 21, 2016
Fresno CA
I have a 16 by 31 intex pool. It is going on its third year. I always keep my pool full. All the way up to the top! I would like to install a thru the wall skimmer but i have a few questions. If i put a skimmer in what is the max level that it can be filled to? I hate the idea of lossing 4 inches of deepth. Also since the liner will have to be cut how long before this would start ripping out? I would like this pool to last for years to come. Thanks
Hello and welcome to TFP. Yes, it can be done and can help quite a bit, but you will lose some water depth as the water will be adjusted to about halfway up the skimmer opening, where before you may have liked it at the top edge of your pool. Here are some examples:
Through the wall skimmer on an Intex
Thru wall skimmer location on intex
Through Wall Skimmer on Rectangular Intex Ultra Frame UPDATE

When installed properly, you should not have to worry about the liner ripping out from around the liner. You'll get many ideas from previous owners here at TFP who have done the same. Glad to have you with us.
Welcome to TFP Slow!

None of those are really designed to last more than a few years, but people do get more out of them. I don't know how long before it rips out or if it will. No one can answer you honestly on that, but perhaps you can get some experienced answers. No matter what, if you want it fully to the brim, you're not going to be able to keep doing that. Four inches loss is probably a good estimate, but maybe less. Others who've done it will have to weigh in.
Thanks for the input. I do not want to lose 4 inches. Is there any type of floating skimmer that works good? I live out in farm land and get lots of dust on the water surface so the skimmer can not be on the return line were it only uses a bag to catch leaves. It would need to feed into the filter like the one that came with the pool. The intex one is junk!
Slowgo I can only speak about the over the wall skimmer. I had the 18' Ultra Frame Intex. The skimmer that ended up coming with it is the over the wall type, but this was the delux model. Surprisingly enough this thing worked quite well and you will not lose any water depth installing it. I get lots of may flies and beetles early in the season. This thing will catch 80% or more of them. Does well with anything that floats on or near the top of the pool.
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