rinsing off filters after soaking in filter cleaner

Jun 5, 2014
I soaked my cartridge filters in commercial filter cleaner solution (it said to use 1 litre of cleaner for ever 20 litres of water, I probably used a bit less than that because I only had 3L of cleaner but needed to fill about 70L in my garbage bin).

I soaked them overnight (one set for 24 hours because I didn't have time to rinse them off before I went to work).

I can't believe how much soap suds are coming off now that I'm trying to rinse them! It seems like they will never stop releasing some suds. I sprayed them with the hose (similar technique to cleaning them) for 10-15 minutes and while the amount of suds decreased, they still keep making more.

Is it okay to store them for the winter without completely rinsing off the soap? Will it just cause a few bubbles in the pool? I seem to remember that happening when I got the cartridges cleaned professionally by the pool store.

Does this happen when you use TSP or dishwasher detergent? I only used commercial filter cleaner because it came with the house when I moved in 2 years ago.

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