No combined chlorine? Anything else I should be testing for?


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2015
San Jose, CA
I never test for combined chlorine before because everything I read here talk about FC but since it's the end of the season and I had a little time, I decided to test for it.

Temp: 90
PH: 8.2
CYA: 35
FC: 2
CC: 0

my routine has always been test for PH and FC and adjust

Target for PH is always 7.2 to 7.5 and FC I always try to keep it at 4 whenever it's time to add chemical.

Should I be testing for other things like AK and Calcium often? Last I check at the beginning of the season my Calcium was like 350 to 400.
For me the pool is new so I test more than required (wife says the novelty will wear off in a few months and then I will never test...) I test the full TF-100 kit card maybe every other day and log it in the Pool Pal app for Android.

I think the Pool School recommends testing FC and PH daily and then the others about weekly.

I know that if you have issues folks will look for:
FC - Free Chlorine
CC - Combined Chlorine
TA - Total Alkalinity
CH - Calcium Hardness
CYA - Cyanuric Acid (stabilizer)
Borates - (if you are using borates)

So I think if any of your basic numbers seem off or if you have an issue you need a full work up before understanding what might be at play. Also interested to see the answers you get myself.
What test kit are you using? Do you have one of the recommended test kits?

Here is what I do:

PH & FC (daily) with Taylor-K100
Extended test kit with chlorine drop test for FC, TC, CC (every other day), and then adjust chlorine levels, based on consumption. Always want to make sure I never fall below the minimum. Use extended kit more frequently when there is heavy activity in pool (kids, lotions, etc.) and make accurate adjustments.
CYA test (Monthly)
Calcium Test (Monthly because I have a liner). Other recommendations for fiberglass and plaster
TA test weekly.

This ensures that I do not slack off in the testing, which prevents future problems. If you keep a good log, this also gives you a history of how your pool behaves, how much you consume, how much you need to add, etc.
Here is the TFP recommended schedule: Pool School - Basic Pool Care Schedule. To be honest, my water has been so clear for so long that I'm guilty of getting a bit complacent in some tests, and it came back to bite me in the butt. CH to be specific - and scaling. It's not that my CH was too high on its own (275-300), but I wasn't watching my CSI level close enough on the pool Poolmath calculator . So, from one FB owner to another, make sure that you not only test the basic stuff listed above, but also watch your CSI level and never let it exceed a positive 0.6. :)
That was always my focus - no green. :) Once in a while though, to be safe, plug your numbers in the calculator to make sure your CSI is not over .6. Not sure how hard your water is in the bay area, but a slightly high TA and pH can really add to the potential for scale. Just a thought. Have a great evening.
I'm using the TF100, and like most of you, my pool has been crystal clear just from doing the basic PH & FC where I forget about everything else. I only freak out if I see algae or something is not right.

A few minutes weekly will ensure that you do not have to "freak out". If you are seeing algae, then for sure your levels have dropped. I always add enough to increase my FC levels 3 ppm daily (a little high), then every few days I test with the extended test kit, and adjust accordingly (usually allow it to burn off and not add for that day). It is usually every 3-4 days, but quite honestly you have test more frequently if you have a lot of activity as you could easily loose more than this. When I have family over with all the little kids, I usually loose about 4.5 ppm on that day.
The weather has not been very nice here, we had 2 weeks of cool and then the past 3 days spiked to the 90's.

When I know we're not expected to have any activities, I tend to test every other day (i do get lazy occasionally and skip a day.) But the day before I know we're going to use the pool, I'd test it and adjust regardless of when I last tested last then test again every morning before letting the kids in then when it cools down, I'd go back to the every other day routine.
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