A special Thank You


TFP Expert
LifeTime Supporter
Jul 21, 2011
Eastern Ohio
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
As I sit working on some updates to PoolMath listening to some old Red Sovine I'm honored that each and every member here takes the time to make Trouble Free Pool what it is. From the users wishing to learn more about pool care to all the members helping new members out, each of you has created an amazing forum that has seen some amazing growth over the last few months. To that I wish to thank each of you!!

To each of the TFP Supporters, I'd like to send a special thanks to each of you. Your support has allowed TFP to remain advertising free, which is something incredibly rare on the net these days. By keeping TFP ad free we are able to keep our focus on teaching members pool care based on practical science, not based on profit margins or sales pitches. It is my belief that with the knowledge to maintain their pools any owner can keep their pool crystal clear with very little effort. Your support is what allows the forum the ability to continue to pursue this belief. Thank you!!

I hope each of you here enjoys this forum as much as I enjoy working on it. All of you are what makes TFP what it is, the largest and most influential pool & spa website on the Internet.

Thank you!
No, thank YOU! All of you who maintain the site and moderate. The information that can be found here is priceless. And if it can't be found in the archive, a simple cry for help nearly always provides the needed answer. I would never have the pride I have in my pool without this site! (Likely I wouldn't even have a pool, if I would have not found this site and continued getting algae, my husband would not have allowed us to continually upgrade to a bigger pool.)
No, thank YOU! All of you who maintain the site and moderate. The information that can be found here is priceless. And if it can't be found in the archive, a simple cry for help nearly always provides the needed answer. I would never have the pride I have in my pool without this site! (Likely I wouldn't even have a pool, if I would have not found this site and continued getting algae, my husband would not have allowed us to continually upgrade to a bigger pool.)


Couldn't have said it better myself!

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That's unfortunately the one thing I dislike about Tapatalk is that there is no "tie" between vBulletin software itself and Tapatalk app. Then again, there really isn't anything better using the forum software we currently have besides the "Mobile Version" itself.....which isn't bad.

But getting back on track of this thread.........
One thing I personally am putting on my "to do" list for this winter is to spend some time and get to know more of the members of this forum. Without a doubt each of us forms a mental picture of who other members are in real life based on their written answers. It's amazing in my experience just how far off these pictures really are once you are face to face with these people. One of my favorite forums to read is the "Introduce Yourself" forum that has seen a good bit of activity this year. One thing I'd challenge each of you to do is to go ahead and start a new thread talking about yourself. Few of the long time members, myself included, have taken the time to do this. I'd really like to get to know each of you more as you guys/gals really are the heart of TFP!
I posted this thread Testament to the method but also want to say, that I found this site before we bought our house and it is because of this site that we even looked at our house with a pool. I grew up with a pool, but never had to take care of it. My partner never had a pool and was very reluctant because of the perceived price etc. I convinced him that I could take care of the pool using the information on here and we have enjoyed the pool every day of swimming season except when we go away on holiday. Thank you to all.
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