Closing Soon-Numbers Ok Until Then


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Apr 10, 2009
Hey guys, we're going to be closing our pool in approximately 2 to 3 weeks. Today's numbers are:

FC 7 (SWG was at 15% pump running 9 hours. Just turned it up to 25%. It's very sunny here today)
CC 0
TC 7
PH 7.6
TA 70
CYA 50 (was 70 for almost all summer)
CH 130
Salt 3000
Temp 80

We've had a drier than normal summer so we've been having to add more water than usual. Our CYA was at 70 for almost the whole summer until these last couple weeks.

Pool looks nice and clear. So considering how soon we're closing, would you bother increasing CYA at this point, adding more salt, or do anything else?

Thanks for any input, much appreciated.
Hello mickey,

The reason for increasing the CYA with a SWG is it allows a longer hold time for your chlorine and it prevents the SWG from having to run as often because of that extended hold time. Not only does this allow your SWG to not work as hard, therefore hopefully extending the life of the SWG, but also the cells of the SWG produce hydrogen gas bubbles that causes water aeration which will allow the pH level to climb with extended run times, as well.

So I suspect if you don't raise the CYA level to the recommended 70-80ppm range for your SWG, you could be battling high pH levels from the additional aeration that the SWG cell is supplying to your water. It's kind of a toss up on whether you want to raise the CYA to decrease the SWG run time, or possibly be battling and having to adjust the higher pH levels. Plus a higher CYA will also help the Chlorine you add at closing to hold better as well. (So ultimately the decision is yours, but if it were me, I think I'd go ahead and increase the CYA to help save the life of the SWG, prevent high pH rises, and help the chlorine levels hold longer). I hope this helps and Have a Safe Labor Day :).
I'm not sure about the weather up north, but I know in Ohio we've been hit with a heat spell the past few weeks. Water temp is still rather warm down this way to close (not a bad thing :D)

What is your current water temperature? Very likely if the water is cold there is no benefit adding additional CYA at this point. If however your temp's are somewhat high then there could be some finical benefits to increasing the levels.
Thanks so much for the replies everyone, I really appreciate it. We're in the Detroit metro area, so southeastern MI. It has definitely been pretty hot here. Water temp's been about 82. I would personally prefer to close a little later, but husband doesn't want to battle our maple tree (which I want cut down but no luck). Supposedly next week it's supposed to be in the 50's at night and 70's during the day.

I've got a little CYA left in a container so I"m going to see if there's enough that would even make a difference, or I could just get a small bag of it. I'm assuming whatever I don't use would still be good in the spring? I store all the chemicals down the basement. Crackerjack4u, I really appreciate the advice. This is about our 5th or 6th season with the SWG cell so I want to keep it in as good as condition as possible. This year I used a brand of CYA called Pool Mate that seemed to be pretty good. I also think I"d have to add another bag of salt as salt is reading 3000 and I like to keep it 3200 to 3300.
I grew up in Detroit, right next to Dearborn Heights. I remember the cold winters. I can remember snow for Halloween. So you might not be too awful early. For easy leaf care I plan to get a cheap tarp and lay it on the pool during leaf fall. Then use a leaf blower to remove them before I roll the cover up for pool use. This will be my first winter with pool so will be interesting.

Hope yours works out for you.
With the water at 82° I would suggest waiting to close. Our pool is also surrounded by trees so I know the pain it is dealing with all of the leaves/pine needles. I personally found it easier to use a leaf net to cover the pool and use that to remove the leaves from the water while I wait for the temps to drop.
Glad I could help Mickey. :)

As far as any extra CYA being left over, it is my understanding that as long as it is kept in a cool, dry place, it has a very long shelf life, and never actually goes bad, or loses potency. So yes, if you get one now, you should be able to use what's left over in Spring/Summer, or whenever, with no problems. I hope this helps. Have a fun and safe Labor Day :)
I grew up in Detroit, right next to Dearborn Heights. I remember the cold winters. I can remember snow for Halloween. So you might not be too awful early. For easy leaf care I plan to get a cheap tarp and lay it on the pool during leaf fall. Then use a leaf blower to remove them before I roll the cover up for pool use. This will be my first winter with pool so will be interesting.

Hope yours works out for you.

That sounds like a good plan. I take it that it doesn't get too cold there in the winter? We keep a cover on the pool all winter. I've found that water blocks around the cover work better than water bags. Ah, nice to meet a fellow Motowner :)

- - - Updated - - -

With the water at 82° I would suggest waiting to close. Our pool is also surrounded by trees so I know the pain it is dealing with all of the leaves/pine needles. I personally found it easier to use a leaf net to cover the pool and use that to remove the leaves from the water while I wait for the temps to drop.

I've often thought of getting one of those leaf nets but thought the leaves might stick to the net and make it difficult to clean and maneuver.

- - - Updated - - -

Glad I could help Mickey. :)

As far as any extra CYA being left over, it is my understanding that as long as it is kept in a cool, dry place, it has a very long shelf life, and never actually goes bad, or loses potency. So yes, if you get one now, you should be able to use what's left over in Spring/Summer, or whenever, with no problems. I hope this helps. Have a fun and safe Labor Day :)

Thanks, Crackerjack4u. I'm still going to check what I have left but according to pool calculator, I'd need about 53 oz and I don't think I have that much. Think I'll probably go ahead and order the 7 pound bag. Hope you had a nice holiday too. The pool was great! :)

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I've often thought of getting one of those leaf nets but thought the leaves might stick to the net and make it difficult to clean and maneuver.

While some of the smaller items slip by my 5 year old daughter and myself are able to remove ours from our 19x35 pool as long as I don't let it get too full of leaves. In honesty, there's NOTHING pleasant and simple when dealing with large amounts of leaves, so it is just a form of "pick your poison." Just a price to pay I guess. :D

Generally what we try to do is keep as many of the leaves our of the pool until the water hits 60°. Then we give the pool a REAL good vacuum and cleaning just before we close. After that we use a winter cover (not a safety cover as one won't work with our deck.....not enough concrete) over the pool, then the leaf net over that. We leave the leaf net on the cover until all the leaves fall and remove just before the water freezes for the Winter. We then store the leaf net for the Winter, only to return it in early Spring as we tend to get a few more leaves that tend to fall from the trees then too. This "system" seems to greatly assist us in removing the Winter Cover as it was a major pain removing the cover as hundreds of leaves would ALWAYS fall into the pool while we were trying to remove the winter cover.
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