Want to Make Pool Shallow

Aug 26, 2015
I own a 8.5 feet deep pool and I want to make my pool 4 feet shallow. (Vinyl liner, Inground Pool, 8.5 feet deep)

Which is the best material to fill it in with? fill with dirt? sand? concrete? gravel?

I got different answers from different people.

I joined hoping to look for answers.
Whoa! You know kids get bigger...right? And they love deep ends too. Diving games, cannon ball contests and other pursuits.

For a few years to come now your one year old will probably be wearing either one of those special floaty vests or wings...right? They float the same in 8' of water as they do in 4'. There is no added safety in a shallower pool to a toddler, IMO.
YippeeSkippy said:
Whoa! You know kids get bigger...right? And they love deep ends too. Diving games, cannon ball contests and other pursuits.

For a few years to come now your one year old will probably be wearing either one of those special floaty vests or wings...right? They float the same in 8' of water as they do in 4'. There is no added safety in a shallower pool to a toddler, IMO.
This is good advice worth considering before you do anything drastic to alter your pool. I have seen far more injuries in shallow water than in deeper water. In the meantime, the best safety advice for small children is parental/adult supervision whenever they are in the water.