Electrical question for a layman like me.


Gold Supporter
Nov 8, 2014
Clermont, FL
Quick question...I was reviewing the electrical bill and was surprised with the new pool we seem to be using about 21kWh/day more. Being in Central Florida we run the A/C 24x7 in the summer time so I was expecting an increase, but not two fold. I have the pump on high for one hour a day and on low the second hour. I only circulate water two hours a day. I also have a Clear03 which is 220v (not sure of the wattage). The heater is gas...and frankly hasn't been used in a few months anyways. The control panel is a Zodiac/Jandy iAqualink which obviously is on 24x7.

The only other electrical item I have is three Glo-Brite LED lights (which are rated at 23W). The two pools lights are on one transformer and the spa light is on a separate transformer. These lights are on from 6p - 10p (four hours). Am I correct in assuming that the transformers will only use 69W since the lights are rated at that...or is is possible the transformer is drawing more power than that? Not to mention they are 110v....just trying to get an idea if shutting off the lights is going to make much of a difference (I assume it won't...but you guys are the pros):

Here are the specifics of the readings (the kWh/day is adjusted based on the number of days between readings):
Date kWh/day kWh/day over previous year
7/6/15 54.1875 19.80818966
6/4/15 49.76666667 17.56666667
5/5/15 37.89655172 18.61530172
4/6/15 31.15625 17.41431452
3/5/15 46.76666667 31.96021505
2/3/15 31.86206897 12.63626251
1/5/15 38.09375 21.23168103
On all of the electrical devices there will be some sort of power requirement data tag. It will have both the voltage and the amperage listed. We will need both of these numbers to help with this from all devices.
We've been having an unusually hot and humid summer this year as compared to last year, so I don't think it's necessarily the pool that's using all the additional power. I know my power bill has taken a jump and I have had the pool for several years.
any time you want to send some of that my way, feel free to.

Heat index here today is 115...if I could send some your way, I would package it up via fedex overnight immediately.

- - - Updated - - -

Quick question...I was reviewing the electrical bill and was surprised with the new pool we seem to be using about 21kWh/day more. Being in Central Florida we run the A/C 24x7 in the summer time so I was expecting an increase, but not two fold. I have the pump on high for one hour a day and on low the second hour. I only circulate water two hours a day. I also have a Clear03 which is 220v (not sure of the wattage). The heater is gas...and frankly hasn't been used in a few months anyways. The control panel is a Zodiac/Jandy iAqualink which obviously is on 24x7.

The only other electrical item I have is three Glo-Brite LED lights (which are rated at 23W). The two pools lights are on one transformer and the spa light is on a separate transformer. These lights are on from 6p - 10p (four hours). Am I correct in assuming that the transformers will only use 69W since the lights are rated at that...or is is possible the transformer is drawing more power than that? Not to mention they are 110v....just trying to get an idea if shutting off the lights is going to make much of a difference (I assume it won't...but you guys are the pros):

Here are the specifics of the readings (the kWh/day is adjusted based on the number of days between readings):
Date kWh/day kWh/day over previous year
7/6/15 54.1875 19.80818966
6/4/15 49.76666667 17.56666667
5/5/15 37.89655172 18.61530172
4/6/15 31.15625 17.41431452
3/5/15 46.76666667 31.96021505
2/3/15 31.86206897 12.63626251
1/5/15 38.09375 21.23168103

If you have a clamp on amp meter, you could test the true amp draw for the pump at high and low speed...I concur with others on here that if you're only running the pump two hours a day, that is not where your extra consumption is coming from.
The clearO3 is on the same relay as the pump. It's not that (although I wish I knew everyone advised against them before I built). Bama and Gilbee, I think you guys are right. I did the calculation and the lights would only use 8 kWh all month. I checked my nest reports from last year and my AC is definitely working more this year. Thanks for the insight and helping me understand this. I should have checked that first. Here in FL our AC is a good chunk of the bill (especially since I have a tankless water heater). Looks like you guys hit the nail on the head.

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