Remodeling Pool


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2007
I have a couple of question as I start remodeling my 20 x 40 liner pool.

1. I picked out a dark blue granite vinyl liner. One of the pool guys bidding the project said I should stay away from the darker colors because the fading would be more noticeable in a couple of years. Has anyone had this problem with a darker color?

2. I wanted to add stairs in one of the 90 degree corners and have the liner go over the stairs. One of the pool guys said this will cause me problems and he doesn't recommend me adding them. I think it is because he just doesn't have any experience with them. Has anyone added this type of stairs and regretted it?
Welcome to TFP!!

I just happen to build, service and repair IG liner pools for a living - so 'maybe' I know what I'm talking about here :wink: :p

While I won't say that UV from sunlight can't bleach a liner, I think he's more afraid of the chemical abuse that IMO is the #1 cause for liner fading. You can easily and safely have a dark liner for 15 - 20+ years that won't show 'undue' fading (ie. noticeable to anyone who doesn't remember how it looked when new). Chemical abuse, like direct and prolonged contact with high concentrations of chlorine (incorrectly stabilized chlorine) or a highly acidic pool will be detrimental to the liner and whatever pattern is on it!

The retro-fit corner stairs are a breeze (but only after you've done ~ 1/2 dozen of them :mrgreen: ) The company I work for has installed ~40 since I've been with them (going on year 9) and there is NO problem, as long as they are installed to specifications and the folks making the liner have precise measurements :goodjob: Find someone who both knows how to assemble and install the steps and who also knows how to properly measure for a new liner.

If you're doing this much work, it's probable that you'll need a little (or a LOT :shock: ) 'touch up' on the floor of the pool, be sure to budget that in as well 8)

As I said, I've done this a number of times and will gladly give you my input on anything they plan on doing or actually do -- the goal; here is to keep your pool owning experience as 'trouble free' as possible 8)

Luv & Luk

Thanks Waste.

I am getting quotes around 4800.00 to add the steps. Does this seem high? My pool walls are made out of concrete block and the bottom is sand so it should be fairly easly to modify the bottom (if required).

Also, the pool will be empty for a week or two. Should I be concerned about this during the rainy season? Two walls are 8" block and two are 12" block. The blocks are filled with concrete the best I can tell. The top concrete deck is also being torn away if that matters.

Anything else I should be concerned with?

Thanks again!

Scott, $4800 seems reasonable if it includes installing the new steps, retrowling the floor and wrapping the walls and steps with foam insulation.

Try to schedule the liner drop for when you will be able to be there and watch how they do it - if you ever have to replace the liner, it will facilitate doing it yourself 8)

Re. the bottom: if you're expecting a bunch of rain, it's better to have some sort of cover on it (be it the old liner or a tarp/ winter cover) Heavy rain can quickly mar the floor and be a cause for more repair work than they've scheduled 8)

Watch out for 'hidden' work being done on the floor (the company I work for charges by the hour to retrowel the floor and sometimes we have to bring in new sand to fill voids in the floor or walls).

Sign a contract with them which specifically states what will be done and the time period it will take, that way you don't end up with a job that takes 1/2 the summer to complete and you will know what they feel responsible for and what might bump up the end-cost :)
A suggestion also would be to make sure the steps have the "vinyl over step" option that includes liner track on each step (except the bottom one), and that this is coordinated with the liner manufacturer. It sure beats the old-fashoned use of a bar to hold the liner to the step treads! Most of the steel kit manufacturers now offer this. 8)
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