New water tests


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Jun 22, 2014
Houston, Texas
Hi, ya'll. You know the trouble we've had getting the pool balanced and the algae. I am not sure we have done anything differently and I still feel like we are using way too much stuff from leslie's but at least we haven't seen any algae in a while. The pool has always been super clear even with the algae issue. Fortuantely, we haven't had any in a while. We even left the pool for five days and it was fine when we came back....phew!

anyway, here is ours and leslie's pool results
Leslie's 07/25:
FAC - 3
TAC - 3
Salt - 3500
CH 220
CYA 70
pH 8.0
Acid - 2
Phosphates 100

My results today:
FC - 3
No CCs
Calcium 425
TA 110
CYA 65
and the pH and CL were high.

Husband wants to add half a bottle of acid to the pool today....We've also been using that phosphate stuff from Leslie's to keep them in check and that stuff is $50 a bottle! Yikes! Is there a cheaper way to do it??? what do you think of the numbers?
Ignore pool store testing. Ignore phosphates. In fact just avoid the store. Lower the pH and raise the FC. You are letting the FC level get too low for your CYA level.

If you think the FC losses are too high, raise the FC level and perform the OCLT to see if anything is lurking in the water.
We can't seem to get our CYA up there. we are constantly fighting the low chlorine. We had the chlorinator reset. First it's too high, then it's too low....I was excited that the cya was 65! I copied and pasted Again the pool water balance for the husband to read. and the other. He tried to join TFP himself but something happened. I talked about it again today about getting on and reading and I told him again we are spending too much money on chemicals.

I want to avoid Leslie's but I think the husband needs to go to therapy to break the bond to Leslie's....:p

update: we added 20oz of acid and now the pH is perfect...sigh...

we did the overnight test a while ago and if I remember right, that didn't yield anything. Our water is crystal, if we could just keep the Mulch outside of the pool....
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