
Carbon dioxide that outgases is the same thing as removing carbonic acid from the water because of the following equilibrium:

H2CO3 <---> H2O + CO2(aq)
Carbonic Acid <---> Water + Aqueous Carbon Dioxide

Removing an acid from the water raises the pH because the bicarbonate in the water (mostly measured as TA) is in equilibrium with the carbonic acid so the following moves to the right consuming hydrogen ion so raising the pH (since pH is a measure of the amount of hydrogen ion in the water):

+TA .... -TA
HCO3- + H+ <---> H2CO3
Bicarbonate Ion + Hydrogen Ion <---> Carbonic Acid

The TA does not change with this process because carbonic acid is a weak acid so the drop in TA from the loss of bicarbonate equals the gain in TA from the loss of hydrogen ion (i.e. from the gain in pH).

Aeration increases the rate of carbon dioxide outgassing because it increases the surface area of the water/air interface so the exchange of carbon dioxide from water to air can occur faster.
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