Intex 10ft

Volume: 1185 Gallons
Build Type: Vinyl
0.5 oz of Dichlor
3.9 oz of Baking Soda
1 oz of Dichlor
Fill pool, add 4ppm chlorine first then CYA from 0 to 38 after 1 hr. Test and ADD FC 2x DAY during CYA add and until open. CyA fully dissolved in 12 hrs directly in front of jet on noodle. Rinse filter, then add 1oz Clorox dichlor shock. dissolve in large Pyrex STIR. This Brings PH down to 7.6. TA to 70 Test CyA 24 hr after sock dissolved and adjust TA. Possibly add small amount of Clorox shock to clear any TA cloudiness. —every 1oz of baking soda raises TA by 5 (pool math app is off)
6 oz of Dry Stabilizer
3 oz of Liquid Chlorine • 10%
Opened Pool Vacuumed Brushed Cleaned Filter