Concrete coping questions, recent installation


New member
Apr 17, 2024
Richardson, TX
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We chose precast concrete coping and noticed a lot of "imperfections" in the coping and scratches. Having builder replace some pieces. I was wondering if hairline cracks in the grout between the coping is normal? Also I've noticed separation between the bottom of the coping and the material they used to attach it with. See pics. These are things the builder should repair/replace right?F8550027-F148-4BE0-B1D6-984536150224_1_105_c.jpegF2F05DCD-8364-4C36-A717-DD6D66DCFA0C_1_105_c.jpegAB567309-2EEC-44EB-B48C-70F47F5A7ED5_1_105_c.jpeg329D4AC5-E806-4B27-8C2E-8A9866B8A301_1_105_c.jpeg
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