I'm Sooooooooo Good That................


Mod Squad
TFP Expert
LifeTime Supporter
Apr 17, 2010
East Texas
I'll get the ball rolling here................

I'm soooooooo good that..............

I can open my eyes under water and guess my PH within .1 of a point.

I can lick my lips and know my salt content within + or minus 50.
I can dip my hand in the water and guess from the smell my TC to +/- 1 ppm. Ok, it is kind of cheating since I already have a good idea what it should be anyway ;)
I'm Soooooooooooooooo Good that I can read an OPs' post, formulate my response in my mind for a moment, then hit the refresh button and "TaDa", there's my perfect reply.

Oh yeah.......... on a related note, there seems to be a glitch in the system. When I hit the refresh, the site ALWAYS gets my username wrong. One time it might be zea3, or Divin dave, or Jvtrain, Patrick, Kimkats,Texas splash, Etc. Never mine ????

Is that something you can fix Leebo ????? :rolleyes:

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