new guy needs help on pool trim

Jun 10, 2015
Soap Lake
I have an in rectangular ground pool that has 8 ft straight vinyl or plastic trim around the top. The trim hook and latch into grooves in the edging around the pool. They are old, warping, and coming up, I wish to reuse them but can't find an example of them online. Any help with how to secure them and a proper reference to their name and description of the mounting system would be appreciated.
Thanks, I have thought about using a glue to re attach the edging. I can see where the previous owner used RTV which of course did not hold. Judging from the age of both the edging and the base it is supposed to pop in to I am thinking any replacement I get will not properly attach by the normal clip action in the trim/edging. I don't want to spend the money at this time to rebuild my pool, especially when I just bought the house, the liner is still in pretty good shape, and the pump/filter system is working pretty well. Once the new house honey do's are past and her remodeling wishes are over then its pool deck rebuild time. The plan is in about 3 years. That is why I am thinking a liquid nails type glue or similar. However, if there is a better way that won't permanently ruin the mount for the edging then that would be even better. Yes, I'll post pictures tonight once I get home from work.