Now Entering Day Two

It's been three weeks following your advice (TFP) and all seems well. The water is crystal clear and the chemistry is stable. I have yet to measure FC loss overnight (with long June nights - always something going on). And I one concern is the clorox consumption.....I am putting in typically 50-90 oz / day in a 14,000 gal pool in the sun most of the day.

I'm still in the 30's with CYA. TA is 110 pH crept up once but usually is 7.4
How many ppm is that? Is it more than 3 or 4? It is definitely OK to raise CYA up to 50 to help reduce chlorine loss during the day. Good job getting your pool under control! :goodjob:
I measure in the mornings and it is usually FC=3-4 ppm and the I adjust to the recommended value of 6 ppm at 38 CYA -- we use the pool almost every day.....(2 adults) for maybe 1-2 hours - so I lose maybe half of the FC each day
Loss, of 2-3 ppm is pretty normal.

I just did my first overnight FC loss and it went from 5 to 4 ppm. It is conservative - I didn't get the dawn/dusk samples at dark and I had about 90 minutes of daylight contributing to the 1 ppm loss.

Strangely, my pH dropped from 7.4 to 7.2 overnight.

When a couple of folks suggested (above) increasing my CYA to 50 ppm, I decided to use some of my pucks I put on the shelf. But they have barely dissolved and I doubt if that is the reason.
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