AA treatment


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May 23, 2009
Trenton NJ
I'm trying to get rid of some iron stains on my fiberglass pool. I read how to proceed with the treatment but my question is can I keep my ph between 7.2-7.3 since a lower ph helps with the stains from coming back?

I have a SWG and it says in pool school the ph should be between 7.5-7.6

I plan on using jacks purple stuff as sequestering agent

I would keep pH between 7 - 7.2 as the Ascorbic Treatment to rid Pool of metal stains article suggests. This is a temporary measure for a week or so. However, if you are concerned about the SWG, you can turn it off and temporarily chlorinate with liquid bleach. Besides, you do not want to over-chlorinate during the AA treatment.

Thanks for reply. Maybe I didn't word the question properly. I was wondering if after the process is over can I keep the ph at 7.2 permanently? My reasoning is a lower ph would help with keeping the stains form on the walls again. I thought I read that somewhere.

My concern is would it damage the SWG with a lower ph for extended periods of time?

Gigot my ph down to 7.2 last night. Finished the treatment this afternoon. Worked great by the way,went w/ 1 lb. over 20k gallons. Then I added another lb, ran the filter in recirc. For awhile, then after a few hours went back to filtering water.

Oh yeah added 2 quarts of Jacks purple stuff also.

I just tested the ph and TA and it was 7 and 70 respectively. I was surprised,thought the TA would dip a lot lower. So I guess I will monitor them and start raise FC tomorrow.

My CYA is a little low at 60 so I bought 4 lb of stabilizer. According to CYA/ chlorine chart my minimum FC at 60 is 3 so I will add enough bleach to get to 3 ppm or is that too soon?

Also my SWG is off. How long do I add bleach n when do I turn on SWG? I'm assuming when the FC holds?
You can use the swg. Keeping the pH at 7.2 is fine. However, it would be difficult without keeping the ta very low. I would suggest keeping the pH at about 7.5 to 7.6.

I would suggest adding a quart of poly 60 algaecide to help prevent algae while the chlorine is low.
Note that algaecide is usually not needed except in situations like this where you have to keep the chlorine low. Also, I would only use poly 60 and not anything else. You should be able to allow the chlorine to come up to the correct level now.
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