Failed inspection - Steel Anyone read Structural Engineering Plans?


Silver Supporter
Mar 22, 2015
Las Vegas NV
So I failed my first inspection, my steel guy didn't read the plans correctly; seems unlikely guy came highly recommend AND does work for some major luxury jobs here in town.

Anyway, I took some pictures of the steel and made annotations of the inspectors comments. Steel guy is on his way here now to fix and thought I'd throw this out there and see if anyone has thoughts either way. Also, as a less for other owner builders.

Here are the structural plans. You'll see the cross section for walls on the left. Unless you have the eyes of a 10 year old you'll have to click on it and then use the zoom tool on the upper right hand side.

Top of this pictures is 3'6", and it was done using #3 at 12" OCV, inspector said according to plan it should be #3 6" OVC

Left side looks good

Bottom of the picture going into the deep end he's saying should be #4 3" OVC

This entire deep end needs to be #4 3" OVC

Unfortunately the inspector is correct. Starting at 3 ft deep the bars should be 6" spaces.
Yea just received note from my structural engineer confirming. What's really odd is I actually received a call from my steel guy the day my inspection was scheduled asking how the inspection went. Inspection hadn't happened because inspector was a no show on the scheduled date so it happened the following day. I'm now curious if he thought he did it incorrectly but was wondering in the inspector would catch it. Honestly I can't imagine this happening because he knew he'd have to come back and fix it but it's odd that he was the only sub who called to see how my inspection went.

He did complain and question why the engineer put #4 in the 7' deep end. He understood why under the planter because that area was 8'6" (see photo) but in the 7' area he didn't understand it and said they never do that.

Who knows, he fixed it and I've rescheduled my inspection. Shotcrete now moved to next week.
I tell ya, even if they know they did it wrong, most folks usually wont re-do it unless the inspector cathes them

It happens every single day
Yes I think you're right. However, I can see IF he was aware of it how he justified it. I just looked at another O/B's plans who lives here in town and his engineer actually did his plans how my steel guy laid my steel originally except in the 7+ foot area in front of the planter where he did do #4 @ 3". When my steel guy came back to fix the issues he even told me he's never seen that much steel go into a pool like mine.

So based on what I saw on the other W/B plans I think what the steel guy laid out is very common, my structural engineer just went for more steel, which in my opinion isn't necessarily a bad thing . . . I'd rather have more steel than not enough.

Inspection rescheduled for tomorrow.
it's definitely better to have too much steel than not quite enough. In the end, you'll feel better knowing a little extra is in there.
Agreed, I don't just have a little more, I have A LOT more, even inspector commented, "now that's a lot of steel!"

Speaking of inspector, he just left, passed me, on to next phase! Thanks to all that helped me out here, I really appreciate it.

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