Sand under seasonal pool: yay or nay?


Apr 29, 2015
Northwestern PA
I'm setting up my intex-style (proseries) pool for the first time this spring. My test kit just arrived, I cleared out Kmart on high-concentration plain bleach (sale price 2.99- not sure if this is regional or national), sunscreen is ready to go, floaties at the ready for the tots...

I am nearing level in my dig down of the pool site, hope to be done within the week. I have thin foam insulation (came with the used pool, so I'm not sure of the specs) but wondered if I should lay a thin layer of sand as well. Would it improve anything?
The site is cut out of a pretty significant grade- 19" rise over 18'- so I anticipate some rain runoff alongside the pool- I wonder if the sand would wash out over the course of the summer.

HO insurance stipulates that we take it down in the fall, so I'll have a chance to fix anything that doesn't work out well this summer.

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