White powder problems

Moved from Original topic Here Mod Patrick B

I have similar problem with white powder. It is a new Hayward salt chlorination system and the cell is clean. All chemicals, including calcium and phosphates, are in the normal range. I use a Porpoise paper (accordion) filter which is only a couple of months old. Last time I cleaned the filter, it was somewhat clogged with the white powder and it was caked on the bottom of the cartridge housing. The substance has no taste or odor. This is not the normal crystallization that you get with a salt cell. The folks at the local pool store seem stumped. I'd appreciate any ideas.
If you could post complete test results, that would be helpful. As you mentioned that all chemicals are in the normal range including phosphates... I would have to say you're using pool store testing. Pool store testing is worth exactly what you pay for it. Nothing. They have a flash-bang gizmo that spits out concentrations to the thousandth digit but most of the time, every digit in the result is worthless.

Feel free to post the full list of results you got from the pool store, but I'd have a hard time believing any of the values. You're better of with a Recommended Test Kit of your own.
To add to what Joel said....

Around here not much credence is given to pool store testing. While you would think that a "professional" would be the best, unfortunately in most cases it is quite the opposite. Between employees who blindly trust the word of chemical sales representatives and high school kids working in the pool store you end up with poor results from their testing. In my case two different pool stores told me my CYA was "fine", around 70 or 80. When I tested myself I found it over 200.

Only you can decide if you are going to continue following the pool store advice or take control of your pool. To follow the pool care methods taught here you need to arm yourself with the knowledge and tools necessary to care for your pool.

The knowledge is condensed in the Pool School link at the top of every page. It is a great community here, but we do ask that you read and try to understand the information being taught. Questions are always welcome and folks will try to direct you and teach you the methods.

The tools are not limited to the brushes, vacuum hoses and other stuff you use around the pool, but include the most important item - one of the recommended test kits. You can buy a kit at a pool store, but again the pool store kits generally won't cut it. To effectively practice the TFPC methods, the FAS/DPD chlorine test is essential. All these kits contain that test while very few other kits do. Think of it this way, do you see a doctor blindly prescribing drugs without seeing the patient or having tests run? Here at TFP we are going to ask for photos so we can see the condition of the water and are going to ask for a full set of test results.

The powder in you pool may be something as simple as dust/pollen blowing in, but without reliable testing we don't know.
I had a similar problem last year. Do you know how old the water in your pool is/when it was changed last? When I had a similar type of build-up it was from calcification because the water in my pool was 8 years old!! I change the water, and the problem went away. The balance of the water was fine at the time, too. Not saying this is your answer, but it sounds similar to the problem I had.
I had a similar problem last year. Do you know how old the water in your pool is/when it was changed last? When I had a similar type of build-up it was from calcification because the water in my pool was 8 years old!! I change the water, and the problem went away. The balance of the water was fine at the time, too. Not saying this is your answer, but it sounds similar to the problem I had.
Well that would show up in the CH test ... which the OP said was in the "normal" range. We have to worry about the CH climbing more than someone in FL where they get a lot of rain.
Total chlorine 4.0ppm
Free chlorine 4.0 ppm
pH 7.4
Total alkalinity 120ppm
Calcium hardness 375ppm
Stabilizer 60ppm (I measured it at 100 ppm the same day)
Salt 3450 ppm
Phosphates <100ppm
I live in SW Florida.

Since the last time I vacuumed the pool, there has not been any visible while powder on the bottom of the pool or any buildup inside the filter housing. However, when I drag my foot along the bottom of the pool, some dust kicks up. It does not appear like the original white buildup.

FYI, the heat pump is still on and the pool is covered with a blanket when not in use.

Thanks for any assistance.
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